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歡迎使用自動化超參數調校教學課程。在本 Colab 中,您將學習如何使用 TensorFlow 決策樹森林透過自動化超參數調校來改善模型。
- 不使用超參數調校訓練模型。此模型將用於衡量超參數調校的品質提升。
- 使用 TF-DF 的調校器訓練使用超參數調校的模型。要最佳化的超參數將手動定義。
- 使用 TF-DF 的調校器訓練另一個使用超參數調校的模型。但這次,要最佳化的超參數將自動設定。這是使用超參數調校時建議嘗試的第一種方法。
- 最後,我們將使用 Keras 的調校器訓練使用超參數調校的模型。
學習演算法會在訓練資料集上訓練機器學習模型。學習演算法的參數 (稱為「超參數」) 會控制模型的訓練方式並影響其品質。因此,找到最佳超參數是模型建構的重要階段。
有些超參數設定起來很簡單。例如,增加隨機森林中的樹木數量 (num_trees
) 會提高模型的品質,直到達到穩定狀態。因此,設定與服務限制相容的最大值 (更多樹木表示更大的模型) 是一種有效經驗法則。但是,其他超參數與模型的互動更複雜,無法透過如此簡單的規則來選擇。例如,增加梯度提升樹模型的最大樹木深度 (max_depth
) 既可能提高也可能降低模型的品質。此外,超參數之間可能會相互影響,而且無法單獨找到超參數的最佳值。
預設方法:學習演算法會隨附預設值。雖然在所有情況下並非理想,但這些值在大多數情況下都能產生合理的結果。建議將此方法作為任何模型建構中使用的第一種方法。此頁面列出了 TF 決策樹森林的預設值。
範本超參數方法:除了預設值之外,TF 決策樹森林也公開了超參數範本。這些是經過基準測試調整的超參數值,具有出色的效能,但訓練成本很高 (例如
在本 Colab 中,我們展示了 TensorFlow 決策樹森林程式庫的預設和自動化調校方法。
搜尋空間是要最佳化的超參數清單及其可以採用的值。例如,可以最佳化樹木的最大深度,使其值介於 1 到 32 之間。探索更多超參數和更多可能的值通常會產生更好的模型,但也需要更多時間。超參數超參數列在文件中。
目標是調校器最佳化的指標。通常,此指標是在驗證資料集上評估的模型品質衡量標準 (例如準確度、對數損失)。
驗證資料集應與訓練資料集不同:如果訓練和驗證資料集相同,則選取的超參數將無關緊要。驗證資料集也應與測試資料集 (也稱為保留資料集) 不同:由於超參數調校是一種訓練形式,如果測試和驗證資料集相同,您實際上是在測試資料集上進行訓練。在這種情況下,您可能會在測試資料集上過度擬合,而無法衡量它。
在小型資料集 (例如範例少於 10 萬個的資料集) 的情況下,超參數調校可以與交叉驗證結合:目標/試驗分數不是從單一訓練-測試回合評估,而是評估為多個交叉驗證回合的指標平均值。
有些模型 (例如隨機森林) 可以使用「袋外評估」方法在訓練資料集上進行評估。雖然不如交叉驗證準確,「袋外評估」比交叉驗證快得多,而且不需要單獨的驗證資料集。
在 tensorflow 決策樹森林中
在 TF-DF 中,模型「自我」評估始終是評估模型的合理方式。例如,隨機森林模型使用袋外評估,而梯度提升模型使用驗證資料集。
使用 TF 決策樹森林進行超參數調校
TF-DF 支援自動超參數調校,且只需最少的設定。在下一個範例中,我們將訓練和比較兩個模型:一個使用預設超參數訓練,另一個使用超參數調校訓練。
# Install TensorFlow Dececision Forests
pip install tensorflow_decision_forests -U -qq
安裝 Wurlitzer。Wurlitzer 是在 Colab 中顯示詳細訓練記錄 (使用 verbose=2
) 所必需的。
pip install wurlitzer -U -qq
import tensorflow_decision_forests as tfdf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
隱藏的程式碼儲存格限制了 Colab 中的輸出高度。
我們將在 Adult 資料集上訓練模型,該資料集可在 UCI 上取得。讓我們下載資料集。
# Download a copy of the adult dataset.
wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/google/yggdrasil-decision-forests/main/yggdrasil_decision_forests/test_data/dataset/adult_train.csv -O /tmp/adult_train.csv
wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/google/yggdrasil-decision-forests/main/yggdrasil_decision_forests/test_data/dataset/adult_test.csv -O /tmp/adult_test.csv
# Load the dataset in memory
train_df = pd.read_csv("/tmp/adult_train.csv")
test_df = pd.read_csv("/tmp/adult_test.csv")
# , and convert it into a TensorFlow dataset.
train_ds = tfdf.keras.pd_dataframe_to_tf_dataset(train_df, label="income")
test_ds = tfdf.keras.pd_dataframe_to_tf_dataset(test_df, label="income")
首先,我們訓練和評估使用預設超參數訓練的 梯度提升樹模型的品質。
# Train a model with default hyper-parameters
model = tfdf.keras.GradientBoostedTreesModel()
Warning: The `num_threads` constructor argument is not set and the number of CPU is os.cpu_count()=32 > 32. Setting num_threads to 32. Set num_threads manually to use more than 32 cpus. WARNING:absl:The `num_threads` constructor argument is not set and the number of CPU is os.cpu_count()=32 > 32. Setting num_threads to 32. Set num_threads manually to use more than 32 cpus. Use /tmpfs/tmp/tmplfxr97hp as temporary training directory Reading training dataset... [WARNING 24-04-20 11:39:03.3452 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1840] "goss_alpha" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "GOSS". [WARNING 24-04-20 11:39:03.3452 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1851] "goss_beta" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "GOSS". [WARNING 24-04-20 11:39:03.3452 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1865] "selective_gradient_boosting_ratio" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "SELGB". Training dataset read in 0:00:03.930624. Found 22792 examples. Training model... Model trained in 0:00:03.045496 Compiling model... [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:10.3189 UTC kernel.cc:1233] Loading model from path /tmpfs/tmp/tmplfxr97hp/model/ with prefix e44c5f7e5cae4178 [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:10.3400 UTC quick_scorer_extended.cc:911] The binary was compiled without AVX2 support, but your CPU supports it. Enable it for faster model inference. [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:10.3411 UTC abstract_model.cc:1344] Engine "GradientBoostedTreesQuickScorerExtended" built [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:10.3411 UTC kernel.cc:1061] Use fast generic engine Model compiled. CPU times: user 15 s, sys: 1.41 s, total: 16.4 s Wall time: 11 s <tf_keras.src.callbacks.History at 0x7f39bc6c6250>
# Evaluate the model
test_accuracy = model.evaluate(test_ds, return_dict=True, verbose=0)["accuracy"]
print(f"Test accuracy without hyper-parameter tuning: {test_accuracy:.4f}")
Test accuracy without hyper-parameter tuning: 0.8744
模型的預設超參數可透過 learner_params
print("Default hyper-parameters of the model:\n", model.learner_params)
Default hyper-parameters of the model: {'adapt_subsample_for_maximum_training_duration': False, 'allow_na_conditions': False, 'apply_link_function': True, 'categorical_algorithm': 'CART', 'categorical_set_split_greedy_sampling': 0.1, 'categorical_set_split_max_num_items': -1, 'categorical_set_split_min_item_frequency': 1, 'compute_permutation_variable_importance': False, 'dart_dropout': 0.01, 'early_stopping': 'LOSS_INCREASE', 'early_stopping_initial_iteration': 10, 'early_stopping_num_trees_look_ahead': 30, 'focal_loss_alpha': 0.5, 'focal_loss_gamma': 2.0, 'forest_extraction': 'MART', 'goss_alpha': 0.2, 'goss_beta': 0.1, 'growing_strategy': 'LOCAL', 'honest': False, 'honest_fixed_separation': False, 'honest_ratio_leaf_examples': 0.5, 'in_split_min_examples_check': True, 'keep_non_leaf_label_distribution': True, 'l1_regularization': 0.0, 'l2_categorical_regularization': 1.0, 'l2_regularization': 0.0, 'lambda_loss': 1.0, 'loss': 'DEFAULT', 'max_depth': 6, 'max_num_nodes': None, 'maximum_model_size_in_memory_in_bytes': -1.0, 'maximum_training_duration_seconds': -1.0, 'min_examples': 5, 'missing_value_policy': 'GLOBAL_IMPUTATION', 'num_candidate_attributes': -1, 'num_candidate_attributes_ratio': -1.0, 'num_trees': 300, 'pure_serving_model': False, 'random_seed': 123456, 'sampling_method': 'RANDOM', 'selective_gradient_boosting_ratio': 0.01, 'shrinkage': 0.1, 'sorting_strategy': 'PRESORT', 'sparse_oblique_max_num_projections': None, 'sparse_oblique_normalization': None, 'sparse_oblique_num_projections_exponent': None, 'sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor': None, 'sparse_oblique_weights': None, 'split_axis': 'AXIS_ALIGNED', 'subsample': 1.0, 'uplift_min_examples_in_treatment': 5, 'uplift_split_score': 'KULLBACK_LEIBLER', 'use_hessian_gain': False, 'validation_interval_in_trees': 1, 'validation_ratio': 0.1}
透過指定模型的 tuner
建構函式引數來啟用超參數調校。調校器物件包含調校器的所有設定 (搜尋空間、最佳化工具、試驗和目標)。
# Configure the tuner.
# Create a Random Search tuner with 50 trials.
tuner = tfdf.tuner.RandomSearch(num_trials=50)
# Define the search space.
# Adding more parameters generaly improve the quality of the model, but make
# the tuning last longer.
tuner.choice("min_examples", [2, 5, 7, 10])
tuner.choice("categorical_algorithm", ["CART", "RANDOM"])
# Some hyper-parameters are only valid for specific values of other
# hyper-parameters. For example, the "max_depth" parameter is mostly useful when
# "growing_strategy=LOCAL" while "max_num_nodes" is better suited when
# "growing_strategy=BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL".
local_search_space = tuner.choice("growing_strategy", ["LOCAL"])
local_search_space.choice("max_depth", [3, 4, 5, 6, 8])
# merge=True indicates that the parameter (here "growing_strategy") is already
# defined, and that new values are added to it.
global_search_space = tuner.choice("growing_strategy", ["BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL"], merge=True)
global_search_space.choice("max_num_nodes", [16, 32, 64, 128, 256])
tuner.choice("use_hessian_gain", [True, False])
tuner.choice("shrinkage", [0.02, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15])
tuner.choice("num_candidate_attributes_ratio", [0.2, 0.5, 0.9, 1.0])
# Uncomment some (or all) of the following hyper-parameters to increase the
# quality of the search. The number of trial should be increased accordingly.
# tuner.choice("split_axis", ["AXIS_ALIGNED"])
# oblique_space = tuner.choice("split_axis", ["SPARSE_OBLIQUE"], merge=True)
# oblique_space.choice("sparse_oblique_normalization",
# oblique_space.choice("sparse_oblique_weights", ["BINARY", "CONTINUOUS"])
# oblique_space.choice("sparse_oblique_num_projections_exponent", [1.0, 1.5])
<tensorflow_decision_forests.component.tuner.tuner.SearchSpace at 0x7f399ddc9d60>
%set_cell_height 300
# Tune the model. Notice the `tuner=tuner`.
tuned_model = tfdf.keras.GradientBoostedTreesModel(tuner=tuner)
tuned_model.fit(train_ds, verbose=2)
# The `num_threads` model constructor argument (not specified in the example
# above) controls how many trials are run in parallel (one per thread). If
# `num_threads` is not specified (like in the example above), one thread is
# allocated for each available CPU core.
# If the training is interrupted (for example, by pressing on the "stop" button
# on the top-left of the colab cell), the best model so-far will be returned.
# In the training logs, you can see lines such as `[10/50] Score: -0.45 / -0.40
# HParams: ...`. This indicates that 10 of the 50 trials have been completed.
# And that the last trial returned a score of "-0.45" and that the best trial so
# far has a score of "-0.40". In this example, the model is optimized by
# logloss. Since scores are maximized and log loss should be minimized, the
# score is effectively minus the log loss.
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object> Warning: The `num_threads` constructor argument is not set and the number of CPU is os.cpu_count()=32 > 32. Setting num_threads to 32. Set num_threads manually to use more than 32 cpus. WARNING:absl:The `num_threads` constructor argument is not set and the number of CPU is os.cpu_count()=32 > 32. Setting num_threads to 32. Set num_threads manually to use more than 32 cpus. Use /tmpfs/tmp/tmpi7_rh8z3 as temporary training directory Reading training dataset... Training tensor examples: Features: {'age': <tf.Tensor 'data:0' shape=(None,) dtype=int64>, 'workclass': <tf.Tensor 'data_1:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>, 'fnlwgt': <tf.Tensor 'data_2:0' shape=(None,) dtype=int64>, 'education': <tf.Tensor 'data_3:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>, 'education_num': <tf.Tensor 'data_4:0' shape=(None,) dtype=int64>, 'marital_status': <tf.Tensor 'data_5:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>, 'occupation': <tf.Tensor 'data_6:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>, 'relationship': <tf.Tensor 'data_7:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>, 'race': <tf.Tensor 'data_8:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>, 'sex': <tf.Tensor 'data_9:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>, 'capital_gain': <tf.Tensor 'data_10:0' shape=(None,) dtype=int64>, 'capital_loss': <tf.Tensor 'data_11:0' shape=(None,) dtype=int64>, 'hours_per_week': <tf.Tensor 'data_12:0' shape=(None,) dtype=int64>, 'native_country': <tf.Tensor 'data_13:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>} Label: Tensor("data_14:0", shape=(None,), dtype=int64) Weights: None Normalized tensor features: {'age': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.NUMERICAL: 1>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'Cast:0' shape=(None,) dtype=float32>), 'workclass': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_1:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>), 'fnlwgt': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.NUMERICAL: 1>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'Cast_1:0' shape=(None,) dtype=float32>), 'education': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_3:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>), 'education_num': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.NUMERICAL: 1>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'Cast_2:0' shape=(None,) dtype=float32>), 'marital_status': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_5:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>), 'occupation': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_6:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>), 'relationship': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_7:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>), 'race': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_8:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>), 'sex': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_9:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>), 'capital_gain': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.NUMERICAL: 1>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'Cast_3:0' shape=(None,) dtype=float32>), 'capital_loss': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.NUMERICAL: 1>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'Cast_4:0' shape=(None,) dtype=float32>), 'hours_per_week': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.NUMERICAL: 1>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'Cast_5:0' shape=(None,) dtype=float32>), 'native_country': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_13:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>)} [WARNING 24-04-20 11:39:18.1748 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1840] "goss_alpha" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "GOSS". [WARNING 24-04-20 11:39:18.1748 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1851] "goss_beta" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "GOSS". [WARNING 24-04-20 11:39:18.1748 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1865] "selective_gradient_boosting_ratio" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "SELGB". Training dataset read in 0:00:00.403593. Found 22792 examples. Training model... Standard output detected as not visible to the user e.g. running in a notebook. Creating a training log redirection. If training gets stuck, try calling tfdf.keras.set_training_logs_redirection(False). [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:18.5916 UTC kernel.cc:771] Start Yggdrasil model training [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:18.5917 UTC kernel.cc:772] Collect training examples [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:18.5917 UTC kernel.cc:785] Dataspec guide: column_guides { column_name_pattern: "^__LABEL$" type: CATEGORICAL categorial { min_vocab_frequency: 0 max_vocab_count: -1 } } default_column_guide { categorial { max_vocab_count: 2000 } discretized_numerical { maximum_num_bins: 255 } } ignore_columns_without_guides: false detect_numerical_as_discretized_numerical: false [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:18.5918 UTC kernel.cc:391] Number of batches: 23 [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:18.5918 UTC kernel.cc:392] Number of examples: 22792 [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:18.5996 UTC data_spec_inference.cc:305] 1 item(s) have been pruned (i.e. they are considered out of dictionary) for the column native_country (40 item(s) left) because min_value_count=5 and max_number_of_unique_values=2000 [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:18.5996 UTC data_spec_inference.cc:305] 1 item(s) have been pruned (i.e. they are considered out of dictionary) for the column occupation (13 item(s) left) because min_value_count=5 and max_number_of_unique_values=2000 [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:18.5996 UTC data_spec_inference.cc:305] 1 item(s) have been pruned (i.e. they are considered out of dictionary) for the column workclass (7 item(s) left) because min_value_count=5 and max_number_of_unique_values=2000 [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:18.6063 UTC kernel.cc:792] Training dataset: Number of records: 22792 Number of columns: 15 Number of columns by type: CATEGORICAL: 9 (60%) NUMERICAL: 6 (40%) Columns: CATEGORICAL: 9 (60%) 0: "__LABEL" CATEGORICAL integerized vocab-size:3 no-ood-item 4: "education" CATEGORICAL has-dict vocab-size:17 zero-ood-items most-frequent:"HS-grad" 7340 (32.2043%) 8: "marital_status" CATEGORICAL has-dict vocab-size:8 zero-ood-items most-frequent:"Married-civ-spouse" 10431 (45.7661%) 9: "native_country" CATEGORICAL num-nas:407 (1.78571%) has-dict vocab-size:41 num-oods:1 (0.00446728%) most-frequent:"United-States" 20436 (91.2933%) 10: "occupation" CATEGORICAL num-nas:1260 (5.52826%) has-dict vocab-size:14 num-oods:4 (0.018577%) most-frequent:"Prof-specialty" 2870 (13.329%) 11: "race" CATEGORICAL has-dict vocab-size:6 zero-ood-items most-frequent:"White" 19467 (85.4115%) 12: "relationship" CATEGORICAL has-dict vocab-size:7 zero-ood-items most-frequent:"Husband" 9191 (40.3256%) 13: "sex" CATEGORICAL has-dict vocab-size:3 zero-ood-items most-frequent:"Male" 15165 (66.5365%) 14: "workclass" CATEGORICAL num-nas:1257 (5.51509%) has-dict vocab-size:8 num-oods:3 (0.0139308%) most-frequent:"Private" 15879 (73.7358%) NUMERICAL: 6 (40%) 1: "age" NUMERICAL mean:38.6153 min:17 max:90 sd:13.661 2: "capital_gain" NUMERICAL mean:1081.9 min:0 max:99999 sd:7509.48 3: "capital_loss" NUMERICAL mean:87.2806 min:0 max:4356 sd:403.01 5: "education_num" NUMERICAL mean:10.0927 min:1 max:16 sd:2.56427 6: "fnlwgt" NUMERICAL mean:189879 min:12285 max:1.4847e+06 sd:106423 7: "hours_per_week" NUMERICAL mean:40.3955 min:1 max:99 sd:12.249 Terminology: nas: Number of non-available (i.e. missing) values. ood: Out of dictionary. manually-defined: Attribute whose type is manually defined by the user, i.e., the type was not automatically inferred. tokenized: The attribute value is obtained through tokenization. has-dict: The attribute is attached to a string dictionary e.g. a categorical attribute stored as a string. vocab-size: Number of unique values. [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:18.6063 UTC kernel.cc:808] Configure learner [WARNING 24-04-20 11:39:18.6066 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1840] "goss_alpha" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "GOSS". [WARNING 24-04-20 11:39:18.6066 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1851] "goss_beta" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "GOSS". [WARNING 24-04-20 11:39:18.6066 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1865] "selective_gradient_boosting_ratio" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "SELGB". [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:18.6067 UTC kernel.cc:822] Training config: learner: "HYPERPARAMETER_OPTIMIZER" features: "^age$" features: "^capital_gain$" features: "^capital_loss$" features: "^education$" features: "^education_num$" features: "^fnlwgt$" features: "^hours_per_week$" features: "^marital_status$" features: "^native_country$" features: "^occupation$" features: "^race$" features: "^relationship$" features: "^sex$" features: "^workclass$" label: "^__LABEL$" task: CLASSIFICATION metadata { framework: "TF Keras" } [yggdrasil_decision_forests.model.hyperparameters_optimizer_v2.proto.hyperparameters_optimizer_config] { base_learner { learner: "GRADIENT_BOOSTED_TREES" features: "^age$" features: "^capital_gain$" features: "^capital_loss$" features: "^education$" features: "^education_num$" features: "^fnlwgt$" features: "^hours_per_week$" features: "^marital_status$" features: "^native_country$" features: "^occupation$" features: "^race$" features: "^relationship$" features: "^sex$" features: "^workclass$" label: "^__LABEL$" task: CLASSIFICATION random_seed: 123456 pure_serving_model: false [yggdrasil_decision_forests.model.gradient_boosted_trees.proto.gradient_boosted_trees_config] { num_trees: 300 decision_tree { max_depth: 6 min_examples: 5 in_split_min_examples_check: true keep_non_leaf_label_distribution: true num_candidate_attributes: -1 missing_value_policy: GLOBAL_IMPUTATION allow_na_conditions: false categorical_set_greedy_forward { sampling: 0.1 max_num_items: -1 min_item_frequency: 1 } growing_strategy_local { } categorical { cart { } } axis_aligned_split { } internal { sorting_strategy: PRESORTED } uplift { min_examples_in_treatment: 5 split_score: KULLBACK_LEIBLER } } shrinkage: 0.1 loss: DEFAULT validation_set_ratio: 0.1 validation_interval_in_trees: 1 early_stopping: VALIDATION_LOSS_INCREASE early_stopping_num_trees_look_ahead: 30 l2_regularization: 0 lambda_loss: 1 mart { } adapt_subsample_for_maximum_training_duration: false l1_regularization: 0 use_hessian_gain: false l2_regularization_categorical: 1 stochastic_gradient_boosting { ratio: 1 } apply_link_function: true compute_permutation_variable_importance: false binary_focal_loss_options { misprediction_exponent: 2 positive_sample_coefficient: 0.5 } early_stopping_initial_iteration: 10 } } optimizer { optimizer_key: "RANDOM" [yggdrasil_decision_forests.model.hyperparameters_optimizer_v2.proto.random] { num_trials: 50 } } search_space { fields { name: "min_examples" discrete_candidates { possible_values { integer: 2 } possible_values { integer: 5 } possible_values { integer: 7 } possible_values { integer: 10 } } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" discrete_candidates { possible_values { categorical: "CART" } possible_values { categorical: "RANDOM" } } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" discrete_candidates { possible_values { categorical: "LOCAL" } possible_values { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } children { name: "max_depth" discrete_candidates { possible_values { integer: 3 } possible_values { integer: 4 } possible_values { integer: 5 } possible_values { integer: 6 } possible_values { integer: 8 } } parent_discrete_values { possible_values { categorical: "LOCAL" } } } children { name: "max_num_nodes" discrete_candidates { possible_values { integer: 16 } possible_values { integer: 32 } possible_values { integer: 64 } possible_values { integer: 128 } possible_values { integer: 256 } } parent_discrete_values { possible_values { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" discrete_candidates { possible_values { categorical: "true" } possible_values { categorical: "false" } } } fields { name: "shrinkage" discrete_candidates { possible_values { real: 0.02 } possible_values { real: 0.05 } possible_values { real: 0.1 } possible_values { real: 0.15 } } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" discrete_candidates { possible_values { real: 0.2 } possible_values { real: 0.5 } possible_values { real: 0.9 } possible_values { real: 1 } } } } base_learner_deployment { num_threads: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:18.6071 UTC kernel.cc:825] Deployment config: cache_path: "/tmpfs/tmp/tmpi7_rh8z3/working_cache" num_threads: 32 try_resume_training: true [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:18.6073 UTC kernel.cc:887] Train model [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:18.6075 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:214] Hyperparameter search space: fields { name: "min_examples" discrete_candidates { possible_values { integer: 2 } possible_values { integer: 5 } possible_values { integer: 7 } possible_values { integer: 10 } } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" discrete_candidates { possible_values { categorical: "CART" } possible_values { categorical: "RANDOM" } } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" discrete_candidates { possible_values { categorical: "LOCAL" } possible_values { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } children { name: "max_depth" discrete_candidates { possible_values { integer: 3 } possible_values { integer: 4 } possible_values { integer: 5 } possible_values { integer: 6 } possible_values { integer: 8 } } parent_discrete_values { possible_values { categorical: "LOCAL" } } } children { name: "max_num_nodes" discrete_candidates { possible_values { integer: 16 } possible_values { integer: 32 } possible_values { integer: 64 } possible_values { integer: 128 } possible_values { integer: 256 } } parent_discrete_values { possible_values { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" discrete_candidates { possible_values { categorical: "true" } possible_values { categorical: "false" } } } fields { name: "shrinkage" discrete_candidates { possible_values { real: 0.02 } possible_values { real: 0.05 } possible_values { real: 0.1 } possible_values { real: 0.15 } } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" discrete_candidates { possible_values { real: 0.2 } possible_values { real: 0.5 } possible_values { real: 0.9 } possible_values { real: 1 } } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:18.6076 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:509] Start local tuner with 1 parallel trial(s), each with 32 thread(s) [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:18.6081 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:18.6081 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:18.6145 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:18.6426 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.022126 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.077863 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:20.6354 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.581401 [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:20.6355 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 145 tree(s) i.e. 145 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:20.6356 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:145 valid-loss:0.581401 valid-accuracy:0.872510 [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:20.6376 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [1/50] Score: -0.581401 / -0.581401 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 2 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 32 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:20.6377 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:20.6377 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:20.6426 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:20.7044 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.080203 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.138223 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:35.9300 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.503793 train-accuracy:0.889933 valid-loss:0.581187 valid-accuracy:0.870297 [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:35.9301 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:35.9301 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.581187 valid-accuracy:0.870297 [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:35.9358 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:35.9358 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:35.9373 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [2/50] Score: -0.581187 / -0.581187 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 10 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 128 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:35.9418 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:35.9803 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.015975 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.071430 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:37.3791 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:48 train-loss:0.545129 train-accuracy:0.880534 valid-loss:0.600357 valid-accuracy:0.864985 [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:42.4773 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.578782 [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:42.4773 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 186 tree(s) i.e. 186 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:42.4776 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:186 valid-loss:0.578782 valid-accuracy:0.873395 [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:42.4809 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:42.4810 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:42.4865 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [3/50] Score: -0.578782 / -0.578782 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 6 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:42.4894 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:42.5198 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.054434 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.110703 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:48.0352 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.578653 [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:48.0353 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 228 tree(s) i.e. 228 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:48.0356 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:228 valid-loss:0.578653 valid-accuracy:0.870739 [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:48.0393 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:48.0394 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:48.0416 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [4/50] Score: -0.578653 / -0.578653 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 32 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:48.0456 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:48.0890 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.080017 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.137988 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:58.1911 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.510029 train-accuracy:0.890566 valid-loss:0.588613 valid-accuracy:0.866755 [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:58.1911 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 299 tree(s) i.e. 299 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:58.1912 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:299 valid-loss:0.588549 valid-accuracy:0.865870 [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:58.1954 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [5/50] Score: -0.588549 / -0.578653 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 2 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 32 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:58.1955 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:58.1955 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:58.2033 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:39:58.2233 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.080310 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.138544 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:02.2850 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.515617 train-accuracy:0.886914 valid-loss:0.591852 valid-accuracy:0.868083 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:02.2850 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:02.2851 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.591852 valid-accuracy:0.868083 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:02.2910 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [6/50] Score: -0.591852 / -0.578653 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 10 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 64 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:02.2911 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:02.2911 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:02.3004 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:02.3214 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:0.985785 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.041083 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:04.2097 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.569126 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:04.2097 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 161 tree(s) i.e. 161 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:04.2099 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:161 valid-loss:0.569126 valid-accuracy:0.873838 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:04.2114 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:04.2114 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:04.2146 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [7/50] Score: -0.569126 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 2 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.15 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:04.2187 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:04.2713 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.055966 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.113004 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:07.4215 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:76 train-loss:0.569166 train-accuracy:0.874690 valid-loss:0.608466 valid-accuracy:0.866755 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:16.0366 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.469406 train-accuracy:0.896946 valid-loss:0.571488 valid-accuracy:0.872953 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:16.0366 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 283 tree(s) i.e. 283 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:16.0368 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:283 valid-loss:0.571175 valid-accuracy:0.873838 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:16.0399 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [8/50] Score: -0.571175 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 10 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 6 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:16.0400 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:16.0400 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:16.0471 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:16.0993 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:0.978408 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.031947 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:20.2443 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.577748 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:20.2444 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 89 tree(s) i.e. 89 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:20.2446 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:89 valid-loss:0.577748 valid-accuracy:0.871625 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:20.2456 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [9/50] Score: -0.577748 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 16 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.15 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:20.2459 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:20.2459 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:20.2511 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:20.2919 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.080606 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.138615 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:29.4104 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.542830 train-accuracy:0.881654 valid-loss:0.593285 valid-accuracy:0.867198 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:29.4104 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:29.4104 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.593285 valid-accuracy:0.867198 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:29.4127 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [10/50] Score: -0.593285 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 16 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:29.4129 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:29.4129 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:29.4195 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:29.4346 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.007318 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.063819 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:30.8109 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.540563 train-accuracy:0.877271 valid-loss:0.581734 valid-accuracy:0.869854 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:30.8109 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:30.8110 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.581734 valid-accuracy:0.869854 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:30.8116 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [11/50] Score: -0.581734 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 10 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 3 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.15 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:30.8117 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:30.8117 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:30.8169 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:30.8680 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.015861 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.071101 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:36.7109 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.577719 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:36.7109 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 133 tree(s) i.e. 133 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:36.7111 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:133 valid-loss:0.577719 valid-accuracy:0.872510 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:36.7123 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [12/50] Score: -0.577719 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 10 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 16 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.9 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:36.7127 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:36.7127 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:36.7184 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:36.7434 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.021242 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.076859 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:37.4287 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:55 train-loss:0.569971 train-accuracy:0.870209 valid-loss:0.607976 valid-accuracy:0.863656 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:39.2662 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.573576 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:39.2662 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 210 tree(s) i.e. 210 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:39.2663 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:210 valid-loss:0.573576 valid-accuracy:0.872953 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:39.2677 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [13/50] Score: -0.573576 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:39.2679 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:39.2679 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:39.2732 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:39.3143 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.052474 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.109417 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:44.6208 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.574613 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:44.6208 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 178 tree(s) i.e. 178 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:44.6212 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:178 valid-loss:0.574613 valid-accuracy:0.872953 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:44.6276 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [14/50] Score: -0.574613 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 8 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:44.6277 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:44.6277 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:44.6359 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:44.6565 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.013950 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.069965 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:46.8622 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.588103 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:46.8622 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 136 tree(s) i.e. 136 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:46.8626 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:136 valid-loss:0.588103 valid-accuracy:0.869854 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:46.8655 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [15/50] Score: -0.588103 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 64 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:46.8657 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:46.8657 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:46.8723 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:46.9163 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.012352 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.067086 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:52.6237 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.579442 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:52.6238 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 129 tree(s) i.e. 129 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:52.6242 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:129 valid-loss:0.579442 valid-accuracy:0.870297 [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:52.6273 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [16/50] Score: -0.579442 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 128 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:52.6277 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:52.6277 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:52.6347 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:40:52.6989 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.054509 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.111318 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:03.2795 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.56991 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:03.2796 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 186 tree(s) i.e. 186 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:03.2800 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:186 valid-loss:0.569910 valid-accuracy:0.873838 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:03.2843 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [17/50] Score: -0.56991 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 64 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:03.2846 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:03.2846 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:03.2923 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:03.3323 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.055526 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.112339 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:07.4528 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:135 train-loss:0.534142 train-accuracy:0.883456 valid-loss:0.588371 valid-accuracy:0.870297 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:11.0326 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.581089 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:11.0327 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 242 tree(s) i.e. 242 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:11.0328 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:242 valid-loss:0.581089 valid-accuracy:0.867198 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:11.0348 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [18/50] Score: -0.581089 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 16 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.9 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:11.0350 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:11.0350 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:11.0412 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:11.0924 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.080851 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.138916 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:23.4015 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.531686 train-accuracy:0.883261 valid-loss:0.586173 valid-accuracy:0.869854 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:23.4016 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:23.4016 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.586173 valid-accuracy:0.869854 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:23.4054 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [19/50] Score: -0.586173 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 6 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:23.4055 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:23.4056 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:23.4133 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:23.4519 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.080606 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.138615 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:32.4926 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.542858 train-accuracy:0.881800 valid-loss:0.595354 valid-accuracy:0.866755 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:32.4926 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:32.4926 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.595354 valid-accuracy:0.866755 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:32.4949 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [20/50] Score: -0.595354 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 2 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 16 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.9 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:32.4950 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:32.4950 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:32.5014 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:32.5134 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.033944 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.087890 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:33.3103 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.553261 train-accuracy:0.875566 valid-loss:0.590388 valid-accuracy:0.865870 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:33.3103 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 299 tree(s) i.e. 299 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:33.3103 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:299 valid-loss:0.590370 valid-accuracy:0.866313 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:33.3109 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [21/50] Score: -0.59037 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 3 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.15 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:33.3116 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:33.3116 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:33.3161 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:33.3420 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.056437 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.113420 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:37.4636 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:230 train-loss:0.463528 train-accuracy:0.899966 valid-loss:0.581779 valid-accuracy:0.873838 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:37.8668 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.581186 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:37.8668 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 223 tree(s) i.e. 223 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:37.8672 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:223 valid-loss:0.581186 valid-accuracy:0.874281 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:37.8726 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [22/50] Score: -0.581186 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 256 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:37.8730 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:37.8730 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:37.8811 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:37.9288 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.080559 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.138519 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:48.4246 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.524125 train-accuracy:0.882287 valid-loss:0.586707 valid-accuracy:0.868969 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:48.4246 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:48.4247 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.586707 valid-accuracy:0.868969 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:48.4290 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [23/50] Score: -0.586707 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 2 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 32 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:48.4294 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:48.4294 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:48.4370 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:48.4561 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:0.992466 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.048658 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:50.3696 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.574698 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:50.3696 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 242 tree(s) i.e. 242 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:50.3697 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:242 valid-loss:0.574698 valid-accuracy:0.871625 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:50.3705 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [24/50] Score: -0.574698 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 2 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 4 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.15 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.9 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:50.3707 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:50.3707 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:50.3759 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:50.4045 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.056455 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.113410 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:55.0341 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.511416 train-accuracy:0.884381 valid-loss:0.572223 valid-accuracy:0.874723 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:55.0342 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 291 tree(s) i.e. 291 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:55.0342 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:291 valid-loss:0.572029 valid-accuracy:0.874723 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:55.0362 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [25/50] Score: -0.572029 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 10 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 16 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:55.0364 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:55.0364 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:55.0420 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:55.0594 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.024983 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.080660 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:57.0973 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.488794 train-accuracy:0.890031 valid-loss:0.571949 valid-accuracy:0.873395 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:57.0973 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 284 tree(s) i.e. 284 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:57.0974 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:284 valid-loss:0.571257 valid-accuracy:0.872953 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:57.0990 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [26/50] Score: -0.571257 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 10 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:57.0992 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:57.0992 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:57.1050 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:57.1279 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:0.992049 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.047210 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:59.3586 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.576255 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:59.3587 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 174 tree(s) i.e. 174 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:59.3587 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:174 valid-loss:0.576255 valid-accuracy:0.868526 [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:59.3595 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [27/50] Score: -0.576255 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 4 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.15 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.9 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:59.3596 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:59.3596 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:59.3650 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:41:59.3863 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:0.974501 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.024211 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:00.2862 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.583674 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:00.2863 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 61 tree(s) i.e. 61 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:00.2867 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:61 valid-loss:0.583674 valid-accuracy:0.866755 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:00.2890 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [28/50] Score: -0.583674 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 8 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.15 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:00.2902 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:00.2902 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:00.2952 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:00.3287 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.080079 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.138475 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:06.9053 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.482299 train-accuracy:0.895096 valid-loss:0.586102 valid-accuracy:0.871182 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:06.9053 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:06.9053 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.586102 valid-accuracy:0.871182 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:06.9169 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [29/50] Score: -0.586102 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 8 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:06.9170 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:06.9170 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:06.9302 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:06.9450 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.015585 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.068358 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:07.4662 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:109 train-loss:0.577998 train-accuracy:0.867969 valid-loss:0.607920 valid-accuracy:0.864099 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:08.3443 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.537262 train-accuracy:0.878780 valid-loss:0.585214 valid-accuracy:0.869854 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:08.3444 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:08.3444 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.585214 valid-accuracy:0.869854 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:08.3450 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [30/50] Score: -0.585214 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 10 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 3 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.15 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:08.3454 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:08.3454 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:08.3505 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:08.3688 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.057450 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.114456 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:11.4761 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.499704 train-accuracy:0.890712 valid-loss:0.584889 valid-accuracy:0.869854 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:11.4762 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 298 tree(s) i.e. 298 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:11.4762 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:298 valid-loss:0.584790 valid-accuracy:0.869411 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:11.4784 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [31/50] Score: -0.58479 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 16 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:11.4785 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:11.4786 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:11.4854 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:11.5101 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.035081 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.091865 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:16.0150 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.552464 train-accuracy:0.876443 valid-loss:0.595066 valid-accuracy:0.869854 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:16.0150 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 298 tree(s) i.e. 298 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:16.0150 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:298 valid-loss:0.595026 valid-accuracy:0.869854 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:16.0157 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [32/50] Score: -0.595026 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 2 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 3 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.9 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:16.0158 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:16.0159 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:16.0215 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:16.0441 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.080487 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.138629 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:20.0808 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.523350 train-accuracy:0.883992 valid-loss:0.583351 valid-accuracy:0.868526 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:20.0808 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:20.0808 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.583351 valid-accuracy:0.868526 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:20.0866 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [33/50] Score: -0.583351 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 128 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:20.0869 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:20.0870 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:20.0952 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:20.1345 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.010715 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.065719 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:22.9603 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.574468 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:22.9603 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 83 tree(s) i.e. 83 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:22.9609 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:83 valid-loss:0.574468 valid-accuracy:0.872510 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:22.9648 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [34/50] Score: -0.574468 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 2 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 8 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:22.9649 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:22.9649 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:22.9714 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:22.9886 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.057450 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.114456 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:26.1424 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.498302 train-accuracy:0.892222 valid-loss:0.585352 valid-accuracy:0.870297 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:26.1424 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 296 tree(s) i.e. 296 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:26.1425 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:296 valid-loss:0.585279 valid-accuracy:0.870297 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:26.1446 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [35/50] Score: -0.585279 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 10 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 16 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:26.1447 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:26.1448 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:26.1510 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:26.1722 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.016525 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.069784 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:27.6359 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.57933 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:27.6359 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 123 tree(s) i.e. 123 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:27.6364 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:123 valid-loss:0.579330 valid-accuracy:0.867641 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:27.6411 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [36/50] Score: -0.57933 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 2 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 8 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:27.6412 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:27.6412 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:27.6484 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:27.6608 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.053989 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.109535 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:28.4511 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.567582 train-accuracy:0.871475 valid-loss:0.596684 valid-accuracy:0.865870 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:28.4512 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:28.4512 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.596684 valid-accuracy:0.865870 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:28.4518 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [37/50] Score: -0.596684 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 2 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 3 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:28.4519 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:28.4519 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:28.4572 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:28.4917 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:0.981052 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.035441 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:30.5459 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.586668 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:30.5460 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 61 tree(s) i.e. 61 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:30.5462 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:61 valid-loss:0.586668 valid-accuracy:0.868969 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:30.5471 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [38/50] Score: -0.586668 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 10 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 16 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.15 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:30.5473 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:30.5474 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:30.5527 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:30.5748 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.080688 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.138783 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:34.3731 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.523219 train-accuracy:0.886135 valid-loss:0.593385 valid-accuracy:0.868526 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:34.3731 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:34.3731 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.593385 valid-accuracy:0.868526 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:34.3776 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [39/50] Score: -0.593385 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 2 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 32 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:34.3778 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:34.3778 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:34.3860 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:34.4134 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.082622 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.140940 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:37.4800 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:165 train-loss:0.632445 train-accuracy:0.861881 valid-loss:0.662238 valid-accuracy:0.850819 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:39.9779 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.588445 train-accuracy:0.867433 valid-loss:0.620650 valid-accuracy:0.862328 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:39.9780 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:39.9780 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.620650 valid-accuracy:0.862328 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:39.9789 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [40/50] Score: -0.62065 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 4 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.9 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:39.9793 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:39.9794 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:39.9851 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:40.0101 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:0.991671 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.045193 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:41.6192 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.573957 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:41.6193 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 126 tree(s) i.e. 126 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:41.6194 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:126 valid-loss:0.573957 valid-accuracy:0.870297 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:41.6202 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [41/50] Score: -0.573957 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.15 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:41.6204 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:41.6204 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:41.6253 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:41.6554 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.015325 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.070753 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:44.7167 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.571936 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:44.7168 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 159 tree(s) i.e. 159 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:44.7170 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:159 valid-loss:0.571936 valid-accuracy:0.872067 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:44.7193 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [42/50] Score: -0.571936 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 32 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.9 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:44.7194 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:44.7194 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:44.7253 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:44.7628 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.056130 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.113107 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:50.5114 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.573479 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:50.5114 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 215 tree(s) i.e. 215 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:50.5116 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:215 valid-loss:0.573479 valid-accuracy:0.872953 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:50.5143 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [43/50] Score: -0.573479 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 6 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:50.5147 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:50.5148 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:50.5211 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:50.5507 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.081456 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.139474 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:54.6583 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.522091 train-accuracy:0.882823 valid-loss:0.589971 valid-accuracy:0.868083 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:54.6583 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:54.6583 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.589971 valid-accuracy:0.868083 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:54.6645 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [44/50] Score: -0.589971 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 128 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:54.6646 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:54.6646 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:54.6729 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:54.6997 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.010652 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.064824 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:56.8398 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.571687 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:56.8398 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 119 tree(s) i.e. 119 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:56.8402 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:119 valid-loss:0.571687 valid-accuracy:0.868526 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:56.8441 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [45/50] Score: -0.571687 / -0.569126 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 8 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:56.8442 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:56.8442 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:56.8509 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:56.8811 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.013729 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.069266 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:59.4262 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.568272 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:59.4262 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 117 tree(s) i.e. 117 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:59.4265 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:117 valid-loss:0.568272 valid-accuracy:0.873395 [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:59.4297 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:59.4298 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:59.4303 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [46/50] Score: -0.568272 / -0.568272 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 256 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.9 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:59.4350 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:42:59.4604 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.009908 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.065147 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:01.0106 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.588365 [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:01.0106 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 72 tree(s) i.e. 72 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:01.0114 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:72 valid-loss:0.588365 valid-accuracy:0.867641 [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:01.0151 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [47/50] Score: -0.588365 / -0.568272 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 2 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 8 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:01.0152 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:01.0153 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:01.0223 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:01.0647 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.079317 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.137114 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:07.4826 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:212 train-loss:0.511944 train-accuracy:0.884040 valid-loss:0.592119 valid-accuracy:0.866755 [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:09.7157 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.478934 train-accuracy:0.892709 valid-loss:0.580173 valid-accuracy:0.871625 [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:09.7157 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:09.7158 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.580173 valid-accuracy:0.871625 [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:09.7261 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [48/50] Score: -0.580173 / -0.568272 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 8 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:09.7265 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:09.7265 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:09.7367 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:09.7890 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.055888 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.113012 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:21.3043 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.572366 [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:21.3044 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 264 tree(s) i.e. 264 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:21.3047 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:264 valid-loss:0.572366 valid-accuracy:0.873838 [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:21.3083 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [49/50] Score: -0.572366 / -0.568272 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 2 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 6 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:21.3084 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:21.3084 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:21.3158 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:21.3638 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.012875 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.067941 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:25.5823 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.568887 [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:25.5823 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 105 tree(s) i.e. 105 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:25.5827 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:105 valid-loss:0.568887 valid-accuracy:0.875166 [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:25.5852 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [50/50] Score: -0.568887 / -0.568272 HParams: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 2 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 64 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.9 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:25.5885 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:224] Best hyperparameters: fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 256 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.9 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:25.5888 UTC kernel.cc:919] Export model in log directory: /tmpfs/tmp/tmpi7_rh8z3 with prefix 46d5c4b975a742e3 [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:25.5957 UTC kernel.cc:937] Save model in resources [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:25.5985 UTC abstract_model.cc:881] Model self evaluation: Task: CLASSIFICATION Label: __LABEL Loss (BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD): 0.568272 Accuracy: 0.873395 CI95[W][0 1] ErrorRate: : 0.126605 Confusion Table: truth\prediction 1 2 1 1570 94 2 192 403 Total: 2259 [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:25.6157 UTC kernel.cc:1233] Loading model from path /tmpfs/tmp/tmpi7_rh8z3/model/ with prefix 46d5c4b975a742e3 [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:25.6456 UTC quick_scorer_extended.cc:911] The binary was compiled without AVX2 support, but your CPU supports it. Enable it for faster model inference. [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:25.6471 UTC abstract_model.cc:1344] Engine "GradientBoostedTreesQuickScorerExtended" built [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:25.6471 UTC kernel.cc:1061] Use fast generic engine Model trained in 0:04:07.062880 Compiling model... Model compiled. CPU times: user 4min 9s, sys: 493 ms, total: 4min 9s Wall time: 4min 7s <tf_keras.src.callbacks.History at 0x7f39af26a040>
# Evaluate the model
tuned_test_accuracy = tuned_model.evaluate(test_ds, return_dict=True, verbose=0)["accuracy"]
print(f"Test accuracy with the TF-DF hyper-parameter tuner: {tuned_test_accuracy:.4f}")
Test accuracy with the TF-DF hyper-parameter tuner: 0.8722
值始終最大化。在本範例中,分數是驗證資料集 (自動選取) 的負對數損失。
# Display the tuning logs.
tuning_logs = tuned_model.make_inspector().tuning_logs()
具有 best=True
# Best hyper-parameters.
score -0.568272 evaluation_time 220.821355 best True min_examples 5 categorical_algorithm CART growing_strategy BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL max_num_nodes 256.0 use_hessian_gain true shrinkage 0.1 num_candidate_attributes_ratio 0.9 max_depth NaN Name: 45, dtype: object
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.plot(tuning_logs["score"], label="current trial")
plt.plot(tuning_logs["score"].cummax(), label="best trial")
plt.xlabel("Tuning step")
plt.ylabel("Tuning score")
訓練使用自動化超參數調校和自動定義超參數的模型 (建議方法)
與之前一樣,透過指定模型的 tuner
建構函式引數來啟用超參數調校。設定 use_predefined_hps=True
%set_cell_height 300
# Create a Random Search tuner with 50 trials and automatic hp configuration.
tuner = tfdf.tuner.RandomSearch(num_trials=50, use_predefined_hps=True)
# Define and train the model.
tuned_model = tfdf.keras.GradientBoostedTreesModel(tuner=tuner)
tuned_model.fit(train_ds, verbose=2)
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object> Warning: The `num_threads` constructor argument is not set and the number of CPU is os.cpu_count()=32 > 32. Setting num_threads to 32. Set num_threads manually to use more than 32 cpus. WARNING:absl:The `num_threads` constructor argument is not set and the number of CPU is os.cpu_count()=32 > 32. Setting num_threads to 32. Set num_threads manually to use more than 32 cpus. Use /tmpfs/tmp/tmpl269t4qx as temporary training directory Reading training dataset... Training tensor examples: Features: {'age': <tf.Tensor 'data:0' shape=(None,) dtype=int64>, 'workclass': <tf.Tensor 'data_1:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>, 'fnlwgt': <tf.Tensor 'data_2:0' shape=(None,) dtype=int64>, 'education': <tf.Tensor 'data_3:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>, 'education_num': <tf.Tensor 'data_4:0' shape=(None,) dtype=int64>, 'marital_status': <tf.Tensor 'data_5:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>, 'occupation': <tf.Tensor 'data_6:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>, 'relationship': <tf.Tensor 'data_7:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>, 'race': <tf.Tensor 'data_8:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>, 'sex': <tf.Tensor 'data_9:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>, 'capital_gain': <tf.Tensor 'data_10:0' shape=(None,) dtype=int64>, 'capital_loss': <tf.Tensor 'data_11:0' shape=(None,) dtype=int64>, 'hours_per_week': <tf.Tensor 'data_12:0' shape=(None,) dtype=int64>, 'native_country': <tf.Tensor 'data_13:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>} Label: Tensor("data_14:0", shape=(None,), dtype=int64) Weights: None Normalized tensor features: {'age': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.NUMERICAL: 1>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'Cast:0' shape=(None,) dtype=float32>), 'workclass': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_1:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>), 'fnlwgt': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.NUMERICAL: 1>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'Cast_1:0' shape=(None,) dtype=float32>), 'education': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_3:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>), 'education_num': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.NUMERICAL: 1>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'Cast_2:0' shape=(None,) dtype=float32>), 'marital_status': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_5:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>), 'occupation': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_6:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>), 'relationship': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_7:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>), 'race': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_8:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>), 'sex': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_9:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>), 'capital_gain': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.NUMERICAL: 1>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'Cast_3:0' shape=(None,) dtype=float32>), 'capital_loss': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.NUMERICAL: 1>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'Cast_4:0' shape=(None,) dtype=float32>), 'hours_per_week': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.NUMERICAL: 1>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'Cast_5:0' shape=(None,) dtype=float32>), 'native_country': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_13:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>)} [WARNING 24-04-20 11:43:26.4721 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1840] "goss_alpha" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "GOSS". [WARNING 24-04-20 11:43:26.4721 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1851] "goss_beta" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "GOSS". [WARNING 24-04-20 11:43:26.4721 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1865] "selective_gradient_boosting_ratio" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "SELGB". Training dataset read in 0:00:00.379650. Found 22792 examples. Training model... [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:26.8649 UTC kernel.cc:771] Start Yggdrasil model training [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:26.8649 UTC kernel.cc:772] Collect training examples [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:26.8649 UTC kernel.cc:785] Dataspec guide: column_guides { column_name_pattern: "^__LABEL$" type: CATEGORICAL categorial { min_vocab_frequency: 0 max_vocab_count: -1 } } default_column_guide { categorial { max_vocab_count: 2000 } discretized_numerical { maximum_num_bins: 255 } } ignore_columns_without_guides: false detect_numerical_as_discretized_numerical: false [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:26.8650 UTC kernel.cc:391] Number of batches: 23 [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:26.8650 UTC kernel.cc:392] Number of examples: 22792 [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:26.8734 UTC data_spec_inference.cc:305] 1 item(s) have been pruned (i.e. they are considered out of dictionary) for the column native_country (40 item(s) left) because min_value_count=5 and max_number_of_unique_values=2000 [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:26.8735 UTC data_spec_inference.cc:305] 1 item(s) have been pruned (i.e. they are considered out of dictionary) for the column occupation (13 item(s) left) because min_value_count=5 and max_number_of_unique_values=2000 [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:26.8735 UTC data_spec_inference.cc:305] 1 item(s) have been pruned (i.e. they are considered out of dictionary) for the column workclass (7 item(s) left) because min_value_count=5 and max_number_of_unique_values=2000 [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:26.8801 UTC kernel.cc:792] Training dataset: Number of records: 22792 Number of columns: 15 Number of columns by type: CATEGORICAL: 9 (60%) NUMERICAL: 6 (40%) Columns: CATEGORICAL: 9 (60%) 0: "__LABEL" CATEGORICAL integerized vocab-size:3 no-ood-item 4: "education" CATEGORICAL has-dict vocab-size:17 zero-ood-items most-frequent:"HS-grad" 7340 (32.2043%) 8: "marital_status" CATEGORICAL has-dict vocab-size:8 zero-ood-items most-frequent:"Married-civ-spouse" 10431 (45.7661%) 9: "native_country" CATEGORICAL num-nas:407 (1.78571%) has-dict vocab-size:41 num-oods:1 (0.00446728%) most-frequent:"United-States" 20436 (91.2933%) 10: "occupation" CATEGORICAL num-nas:1260 (5.52826%) has-dict vocab-size:14 num-oods:4 (0.018577%) most-frequent:"Prof-specialty" 2870 (13.329%) 11: "race" CATEGORICAL has-dict vocab-size:6 zero-ood-items most-frequent:"White" 19467 (85.4115%) 12: "relationship" CATEGORICAL has-dict vocab-size:7 zero-ood-items most-frequent:"Husband" 9191 (40.3256%) 13: "sex" CATEGORICAL has-dict vocab-size:3 zero-ood-items most-frequent:"Male" 15165 (66.5365%) 14: "workclass" CATEGORICAL num-nas:1257 (5.51509%) has-dict vocab-size:8 num-oods:3 (0.0139308%) most-frequent:"Private" 15879 (73.7358%) NUMERICAL: 6 (40%) 1: "age" NUMERICAL mean:38.6153 min:17 max:90 sd:13.661 2: "capital_gain" NUMERICAL mean:1081.9 min:0 max:99999 sd:7509.48 3: "capital_loss" NUMERICAL mean:87.2806 min:0 max:4356 sd:403.01 5: "education_num" NUMERICAL mean:10.0927 min:1 max:16 sd:2.56427 6: "fnlwgt" NUMERICAL mean:189879 min:12285 max:1.4847e+06 sd:106423 7: "hours_per_week" NUMERICAL mean:40.3955 min:1 max:99 sd:12.249 Terminology: nas: Number of non-available (i.e. missing) values. ood: Out of dictionary. manually-defined: Attribute whose type is manually defined by the user, i.e., the type was not automatically inferred. tokenized: The attribute value is obtained through tokenization. has-dict: The attribute is attached to a string dictionary e.g. a categorical attribute stored as a string. vocab-size: Number of unique values. [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:26.8801 UTC kernel.cc:808] Configure learner [WARNING 24-04-20 11:43:26.8804 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1840] "goss_alpha" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "GOSS". [WARNING 24-04-20 11:43:26.8805 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1851] "goss_beta" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "GOSS". [WARNING 24-04-20 11:43:26.8805 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1865] "selective_gradient_boosting_ratio" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "SELGB". [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:26.8806 UTC kernel.cc:822] Training config: learner: "HYPERPARAMETER_OPTIMIZER" features: "^age$" features: "^capital_gain$" features: "^capital_loss$" features: "^education$" features: "^education_num$" features: "^fnlwgt$" features: "^hours_per_week$" features: "^marital_status$" features: "^native_country$" features: "^occupation$" features: "^race$" features: "^relationship$" features: "^sex$" features: "^workclass$" label: "^__LABEL$" task: CLASSIFICATION metadata { framework: "TF Keras" } [yggdrasil_decision_forests.model.hyperparameters_optimizer_v2.proto.hyperparameters_optimizer_config] { base_learner { learner: "GRADIENT_BOOSTED_TREES" features: "^age$" features: "^capital_gain$" features: "^capital_loss$" features: "^education$" features: "^education_num$" features: "^fnlwgt$" features: "^hours_per_week$" features: "^marital_status$" features: "^native_country$" features: "^occupation$" features: "^race$" features: "^relationship$" features: "^sex$" features: "^workclass$" label: "^__LABEL$" task: CLASSIFICATION random_seed: 123456 pure_serving_model: false [yggdrasil_decision_forests.model.gradient_boosted_trees.proto.gradient_boosted_trees_config] { num_trees: 300 decision_tree { max_depth: 6 min_examples: 5 in_split_min_examples_check: true keep_non_leaf_label_distribution: true num_candidate_attributes: -1 missing_value_policy: GLOBAL_IMPUTATION allow_na_conditions: false categorical_set_greedy_forward { sampling: 0.1 max_num_items: -1 min_item_frequency: 1 } growing_strategy_local { } categorical { cart { } } axis_aligned_split { } internal { sorting_strategy: PRESORTED } uplift { min_examples_in_treatment: 5 split_score: KULLBACK_LEIBLER } } shrinkage: 0.1 loss: DEFAULT validation_set_ratio: 0.1 validation_interval_in_trees: 1 early_stopping: VALIDATION_LOSS_INCREASE early_stopping_num_trees_look_ahead: 30 l2_regularization: 0 lambda_loss: 1 mart { } adapt_subsample_for_maximum_training_duration: false l1_regularization: 0 use_hessian_gain: false l2_regularization_categorical: 1 stochastic_gradient_boosting { ratio: 1 } apply_link_function: true compute_permutation_variable_importance: false binary_focal_loss_options { misprediction_exponent: 2 positive_sample_coefficient: 0.5 } early_stopping_initial_iteration: 10 } } optimizer { optimizer_key: "RANDOM" [yggdrasil_decision_forests.model.hyperparameters_optimizer_v2.proto.random] { num_trials: 50 } } base_learner_deployment { num_threads: 1 } predefined_search_space { } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:26.8808 UTC kernel.cc:825] Deployment config: cache_path: "/tmpfs/tmp/tmpl269t4qx/working_cache" num_threads: 32 try_resume_training: true [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:26.8809 UTC kernel.cc:887] Train model [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:26.8812 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:214] Hyperparameter search space: fields { name: "split_axis" discrete_candidates { possible_values { categorical: "AXIS_ALIGNED" } possible_values { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } children { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" discrete_candidates { possible_values { real: 1 } possible_values { real: 2 } possible_values { real: 3 } possible_values { real: 4 } possible_values { real: 5 } } parent_discrete_values { possible_values { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } } children { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" discrete_candidates { possible_values { categorical: "NONE" } possible_values { categorical: "STANDARD_DEVIATION" } possible_values { categorical: "MIN_MAX" } } parent_discrete_values { possible_values { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } } children { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" discrete_candidates { possible_values { categorical: "BINARY" } possible_values { categorical: "CONTINUOUS" } } parent_discrete_values { possible_values { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" discrete_candidates { possible_values { categorical: "CART" } possible_values { categorical: "RANDOM" } } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" discrete_candidates { possible_values { categorical: "LOCAL" } possible_values { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } children { name: "max_num_nodes" discrete_candidates { possible_values { integer: 16 } possible_values { integer: 32 } possible_values { integer: 64 } possible_values { integer: 128 } possible_values { integer: 256 } possible_values { integer: 512 } } parent_discrete_values { possible_values { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } } children { name: "max_depth" discrete_candidates { possible_values { integer: 3 } possible_values { integer: 4 } possible_values { integer: 6 } possible_values { integer: 8 } } parent_discrete_values { possible_values { categorical: "LOCAL" } } } } fields { name: "sampling_method" discrete_candidates { possible_values { categorical: "RANDOM" } } children { name: "subsample" discrete_candidates { possible_values { real: 0.6 } possible_values { real: 0.8 } possible_values { real: 0.9 } possible_values { real: 1 } } parent_discrete_values { possible_values { categorical: "RANDOM" } } } } fields { name: "shrinkage" discrete_candidates { possible_values { real: 0.02 } possible_values { real: 0.05 } possible_values { real: 0.1 } } } fields { name: "min_examples" discrete_candidates { possible_values { integer: 5 } possible_values { integer: 7 } possible_values { integer: 10 } possible_values { integer: 20 } } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" discrete_candidates { possible_values { categorical: "true" } possible_values { categorical: "false" } } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" discrete_candidates { possible_values { real: 0.2 } possible_values { real: 0.5 } possible_values { real: 0.9 } possible_values { real: 1 } } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:26.8814 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:509] Start local tuner with 1 parallel trial(s), each with 32 thread(s) [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:26.8819 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:26.8819 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:26.8882 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:27.1834 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.017080 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.072045 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:43:37.7866 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:37 train-loss:0.556901 train-accuracy:0.883553 valid-loss:0.652912 valid-accuracy:0.849048 [INFO 24-04-20 11:44:08.1161 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:129 train-loss:0.440547 train-accuracy:0.913164 valid-loss:0.635362 valid-accuracy:0.853032 [INFO 24-04-20 11:44:10.1389 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.631539 [INFO 24-04-20 11:44:10.1390 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 105 tree(s) i.e. 105 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:44:10.1394 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:105 valid-loss:0.631539 valid-accuracy:0.854803 [INFO 24-04-20 11:44:10.1413 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [1/50] Score: -0.631539 / -0.631539 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 5 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "MIN_MAX" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 32 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 1 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 10 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:44:10.1414 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:44:10.1414 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:44:10.1463 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:44:10.3488 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.079625 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.137371 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:44:38.2527 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:136 train-loss:0.558131 train-accuracy:0.876297 valid-loss:0.607508 valid-accuracy:0.868526 [INFO 24-04-20 11:45:08.4404 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:282 train-loss:0.498537 train-accuracy:0.888813 valid-loss:0.580250 valid-accuracy:0.869411 [INFO 24-04-20 11:45:12.1156 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.493187 train-accuracy:0.890372 valid-loss:0.579161 valid-accuracy:0.868969 [INFO 24-04-20 11:45:12.1157 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 299 tree(s) i.e. 299 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:45:12.1157 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:299 valid-loss:0.579139 valid-accuracy:0.868969 [INFO 24-04-20 11:45:12.1228 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:45:12.1228 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:45:12.1241 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [2/50] Score: -0.579139 / -0.579139 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 2 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "NONE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 128 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.8 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 10 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.9 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:45:12.1284 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:45:12.4485 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.007886 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.061560 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:45:38.4822 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:80 train-loss:0.422466 train-accuracy:0.912434 valid-loss:0.578831 valid-accuracy:0.865870 [INFO 24-04-20 11:45:44.1534 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.576524 [INFO 24-04-20 11:45:44.1535 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 67 tree(s) i.e. 67 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:45:44.1545 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:67 valid-loss:0.576524 valid-accuracy:0.867198 [INFO 24-04-20 11:45:44.1584 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:45:44.1585 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:45:44.1647 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [3/50] Score: -0.576524 / -0.576524 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 3 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "NONE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 8 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 1 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:45:44.1675 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:45:44.3624 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.016576 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.072904 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:46:08.6550 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:120 train-loss:0.458457 train-accuracy:0.900258 valid-loss:0.580639 valid-accuracy:0.866313 [INFO 24-04-20 11:46:14.2095 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.58024 [INFO 24-04-20 11:46:14.2095 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 117 tree(s) i.e. 117 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:46:14.2099 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:117 valid-loss:0.580240 valid-accuracy:0.866755 [INFO 24-04-20 11:46:14.2122 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [4/50] Score: -0.58024 / -0.576524 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 1 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "NONE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 64 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 1 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 20 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:46:14.2123 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:46:14.2123 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:46:14.2185 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:46:14.5606 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.011469 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.065462 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:46:38.7917 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:75 train-loss:0.473998 train-accuracy:0.897239 valid-loss:0.598055 valid-accuracy:0.861443 [INFO 24-04-20 11:46:46.7510 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.597285 [INFO 24-04-20 11:46:46.7511 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 69 tree(s) i.e. 69 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:46:46.7515 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:69 valid-loss:0.597285 valid-accuracy:0.860115 [INFO 24-04-20 11:46:46.7533 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [5/50] Score: -0.597285 / -0.576524 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 4 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "STANDARD_DEVIATION" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "CONTINUOUS" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 256 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 1 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 20 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:46:46.7537 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:46:46.7537 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:46:46.7593 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:46:46.8919 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.080233 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.138164 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:47:08.8764 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:167 train-loss:0.555336 train-accuracy:0.881508 valid-loss:0.612655 valid-accuracy:0.863656 [INFO 24-04-20 11:47:26.3719 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.511197 train-accuracy:0.890225 valid-loss:0.592463 valid-accuracy:0.867198 [INFO 24-04-20 11:47:26.3719 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:47:26.3719 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.592463 valid-accuracy:0.867198 [INFO 24-04-20 11:47:26.3765 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [6/50] Score: -0.592463 / -0.576524 HParams: [INFOfields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 1 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "MIN_MAX" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 32 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.6 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 20 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } 24-04-20 11:47:26.3766 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:47:26.3767 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:47:26.3853 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:47:26.6546 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.052418 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.109157 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:47:39.0564 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:46 train-loss:0.568038 train-accuracy:0.878586 valid-loss:0.618729 valid-accuracy:0.866313 [INFO 24-04-20 11:48:09.3068 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:155 train-loss:0.451158 train-accuracy:0.904885 valid-loss:0.580549 valid-accuracy:0.865870 [INFO 24-04-20 11:48:11.8108 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.579207 [INFO 24-04-20 11:48:11.8108 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 134 tree(s) i.e. 134 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:48:11.8115 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:134 valid-loss:0.579207 valid-accuracy:0.864099 [INFO 24-04-20 11:48:11.8152 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [7/50] Score: -0.579207 / -0.576524 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 5 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "NONE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "CONTINUOUS" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 256 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.8 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:48:11.8153 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:48:11.8153 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:48:11.8225 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:48:11.9397 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.024398 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.080875 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:48:33.3505 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.607541 [INFO 24-04-20 11:48:33.3506 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 148 tree(s) i.e. 148 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:48:33.3507 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:148 valid-loss:0.607541 valid-accuracy:0.863214 [INFO 24-04-20 11:48:33.3515 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [8/50] Score: -0.607541 / -0.576524 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 3 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "STANDARD_DEVIATION" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "CONTINUOUS" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 4 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.8 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.9 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:48:33.3516 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:48:33.3516 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:48:33.3567 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:48:33.6283 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.052939 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.109668 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:48:39.5145 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:22 train-loss:0.675009 train-accuracy:0.862660 valid-loss:0.725751 valid-accuracy:0.841523 [INFO 24-04-20 11:49:09.5556 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:131 train-loss:0.470891 train-accuracy:0.896070 valid-loss:0.587392 valid-accuracy:0.869411 [INFO 24-04-20 11:49:24.5348 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.585858 [INFO 24-04-20 11:49:24.5349 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 155 tree(s) i.e. 155 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:49:24.5353 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:155 valid-loss:0.585858 valid-accuracy:0.868083 [INFO 24-04-20 11:49:24.5390 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [9/50] Score: -0.585858 / -0.576524 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 3 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "STANDARD_DEVIATION" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "CONTINUOUS" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 256 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.9 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 10 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.9 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:49:24.5391 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:49:24.5391 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:49:24.5458 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:49:24.9157 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.052843 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.111456 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:49:39.6689 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:41 train-loss:0.568976 train-accuracy:0.880047 valid-loss:0.669706 valid-accuracy:0.849491 [INFO 24-04-20 11:50:09.9498 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:123 train-loss:0.448902 train-accuracy:0.902985 valid-loss:0.628714 valid-accuracy:0.850376 [INFO 24-04-20 11:50:31.4511 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.627163 [INFO 24-04-20 11:50:31.4511 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 151 tree(s) i.e. 151 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:50:31.4518 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:151 valid-loss:0.627163 valid-accuracy:0.850819 [INFO 24-04-20 11:50:31.4576 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [10/50] Score: -0.627163 / -0.576524 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 5 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "STANDARD_DEVIATION" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 8 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.9 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 20 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.9 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:50:31.4577 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:50:31.4577 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:50:31.4663 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:50:31.5937 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.016328 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.070658 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:50:40.0563 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:73 train-loss:0.547573 train-accuracy:0.877660 valid-loss:0.599204 valid-accuracy:0.864099 [INFO 24-04-20 11:50:55.9566 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.584505 [INFO 24-04-20 11:50:55.9566 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 173 tree(s) i.e. 173 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:50:55.9569 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:173 valid-loss:0.584505 valid-accuracy:0.865427 [INFO 24-04-20 11:50:55.9584 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [11/50] Score: -0.584505 / -0.576524 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 1 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "MIN_MAX" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 16 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.6 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 10 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:50:55.9586 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:50:55.9586 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:50:55.9644 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:50:56.2077 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.079718 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.137516 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:51:10.0877 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:57 train-loss:0.677483 train-accuracy:0.860761 valid-loss:0.727486 valid-accuracy:0.843293 [INFO 24-04-20 11:51:40.3105 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:180 train-loss:0.540261 train-accuracy:0.878488 valid-loss:0.606224 valid-accuracy:0.863656 [INFO 24-04-20 11:52:10.4827 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:299 train-loss:0.500395 train-accuracy:0.889690 valid-loss:0.589758 valid-accuracy:0.864985 [INFO 24-04-20 11:52:10.7256 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.500055 train-accuracy:0.889787 valid-loss:0.589640 valid-accuracy:0.865427 [INFO 24-04-20 11:52:10.7257 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:52:10.7257 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.589640 valid-accuracy:0.865427 [INFO 24-04-20 11:52:10.7324 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [12/50] Score: -0.58964 / -0.576524 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 2 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "MIN_MAX" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 256 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 1 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.9 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:52:10.7328 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:52:10.7328 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:52:10.7422 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:52:10.8188 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.060520 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.117708 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:52:34.5050 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.540605 train-accuracy:0.879462 valid-loss:0.594701 valid-accuracy:0.868526 [INFO 24-04-20 11:52:34.5050 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 299 tree(s) i.e. 299 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:52:34.5050 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:299 valid-loss:0.594616 valid-accuracy:0.869411 [INFO 24-04-20 11:52:34.5062 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [13/50] Score: -0.594616 / -0.576524 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 2 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "NONE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 4 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.6 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 20 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:52:34.5063 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:52:34.5063 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:52:34.5123 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:52:34.6701 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.053581 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.110675 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:52:40.5919 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:38 train-loss:0.597302 train-accuracy:0.874836 valid-loss:0.646977 valid-accuracy:0.863214 [INFO 24-04-20 11:53:04.4197 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.588014 [INFO 24-04-20 11:53:04.4197 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 153 tree(s) i.e. 153 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:53:04.4202 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:153 valid-loss:0.588014 valid-accuracy:0.868969 [INFO 24-04-20 11:53:04.4241 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [14/50] Score: -0.588014 / -0.576524 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 3 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "NONE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 256 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.6 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:53:04.4242 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:53:04.4242 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:53:04.4312 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:53:04.6968 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.080979 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.138389 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:53:10.8203 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:25 train-loss:0.827971 train-accuracy:0.811961 valid-loss:0.869491 valid-accuracy:0.791058 [INFO 24-04-20 11:53:40.9819 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:143 train-loss:0.568514 train-accuracy:0.875177 valid-loss:0.607375 valid-accuracy:0.861886 [INFO 24-04-20 11:54:10.9841 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:259 train-loss:0.522482 train-accuracy:0.884673 valid-loss:0.582253 valid-accuracy:0.865870 [INFO 24-04-20 11:54:21.7716 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.511275 train-accuracy:0.887255 valid-loss:0.579076 valid-accuracy:0.866313 [INFO 24-04-20 11:54:21.7717 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 299 tree(s) i.e. 299 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:54:21.7717 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:299 valid-loss:0.579013 valid-accuracy:0.866313 [INFO 24-04-20 11:54:21.7777 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [15/50] Score: -0.579013 / -0.576524 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 5 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "NONE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 256 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.8 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 20 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:54:21.7778 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:54:21.7779 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:54:21.7871 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:54:22.0178 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.019006 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.073190 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:54:41.1749 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:79 train-loss:0.529136 train-accuracy:0.881069 valid-loss:0.587939 valid-accuracy:0.868969 [INFO 24-04-20 11:55:11.3356 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:198 train-loss:0.458779 train-accuracy:0.898407 valid-loss:0.577907 valid-accuracy:0.864985 [INFO 24-04-20 11:55:24.3297 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.576464 [INFO 24-04-20 11:55:24.3298 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 220 tree(s) i.e. 220 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:55:24.3300 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:220 valid-loss:0.576464 valid-accuracy:0.865427 [INFO 24-04-20 11:55:24.3325 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:55:24.3325 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:55:24.3351 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [16/50] Score: -0.576464 / -0.576464 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 2 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "MIN_MAX" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 16 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 1 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:55:24.3388 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:55:24.5448 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.079152 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.137115 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:55:41.4136 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:85 train-loss:0.599402 train-accuracy:0.872303 valid-loss:0.662776 valid-accuracy:0.852590 [INFO 24-04-20 11:56:11.5979 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:234 train-loss:0.487885 train-accuracy:0.893489 valid-loss:0.597058 valid-accuracy:0.867198 [INFO 24-04-20 11:56:25.0461 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.462216 train-accuracy:0.900453 valid-loss:0.593662 valid-accuracy:0.867198 [INFO 24-04-20 11:56:25.0461 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 294 tree(s) i.e. 294 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:56:25.0462 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:294 valid-loss:0.593544 valid-accuracy:0.867198 [INFO 24-04-20 11:56:25.0549 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [17/50] Score: -0.593544 / -0.576464 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 3 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "STANDARD_DEVIATION" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 8 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.6 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 20 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:56:25.0550 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:56:25.0551 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:56:25.0661 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:56:25.2518 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.053989 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.111597 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:56:41.7763 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:90 train-loss:0.513245 train-accuracy:0.891784 valid-loss:0.612604 valid-accuracy:0.864542 [INFO 24-04-20 11:56:55.5599 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.605471 [INFO 24-04-20 11:56:55.5599 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 133 tree(s) i.e. 133 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:56:55.5605 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:133 valid-loss:0.605471 valid-accuracy:0.864985 [INFO 24-04-20 11:56:55.5644 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [18/50] Score: -0.605471 / -0.576464 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 4 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "STANDARD_DEVIATION" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "CONTINUOUS" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 256 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.6 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:56:55.5645 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:56:55.5645 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:56:55.5717 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:56:55.8583 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.078470 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.135989 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:57:12.0757 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:55 train-loss:0.658252 train-accuracy:0.866361 valid-loss:0.718027 valid-accuracy:0.845950 [INFO 24-04-20 11:57:42.2076 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:155 train-loss:0.511689 train-accuracy:0.887060 valid-loss:0.601473 valid-accuracy:0.866755 [INFO 24-04-20 11:58:12.3039 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:256 train-loss:0.467628 train-accuracy:0.895875 valid-loss:0.583148 valid-accuracy:0.868526 [INFO 24-04-20 11:58:25.4031 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.450289 train-accuracy:0.900307 valid-loss:0.581562 valid-accuracy:0.868969 [INFO 24-04-20 11:58:25.4032 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 296 tree(s) i.e. 296 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:58:25.4033 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:296 valid-loss:0.581214 valid-accuracy:0.869411 [INFO 24-04-20 11:58:25.4147 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [19/50] Score: -0.581214 / -0.576464 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 2 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "STANDARD_DEVIATION" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 8 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 1 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:58:25.4151 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:58:25.4151 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:58:25.4276 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:58:25.5298 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.082692 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.140741 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:58:42.3949 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:165 train-loss:0.625270 train-accuracy:0.859981 valid-loss:0.651116 valid-accuracy:0.846392 [INFO 24-04-20 11:58:56.4433 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.590130 train-accuracy:0.865290 valid-loss:0.620030 valid-accuracy:0.855688 [INFO 24-04-20 11:58:56.4433 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:58:56.4433 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.620030 valid-accuracy:0.855688 [INFO 24-04-20 11:58:56.4445 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [20/50] Score: -0.62003 / -0.576464 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 5 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "NONE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "CONTINUOUS" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 4 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.6 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 10 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:58:56.4446 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:58:56.4446 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:58:56.4504 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:58:56.5735 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.085297 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.143266 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:59:12.3995 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:135 train-loss:0.675725 train-accuracy:0.853942 valid-loss:0.706471 valid-accuracy:0.840637 [INFO 24-04-20 11:59:31.6827 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.616435 train-accuracy:0.859543 valid-loss:0.645493 valid-accuracy:0.849491 [INFO 24-04-20 11:59:31.6827 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:59:31.6828 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.645493 valid-accuracy:0.849491 [INFO 24-04-20 11:59:31.6835 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [21/50] Score: -0.645493 / -0.576464 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 5 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "NONE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "CONTINUOUS" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 3 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 1 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 10 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 11:59:31.6836 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 11:59:31.6836 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 11:59:31.6889 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 11:59:31.8587 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.080746 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.138830 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 11:59:42.5366 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:64 train-loss:0.675732 train-accuracy:0.859787 valid-loss:0.713405 valid-accuracy:0.846392 [INFO 24-04-20 12:00:12.5430 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:240 train-loss:0.539488 train-accuracy:0.879560 valid-loss:0.596245 valid-accuracy:0.870739 [INFO 24-04-20 12:00:22.7129 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.522861 train-accuracy:0.883748 valid-loss:0.587343 valid-accuracy:0.872067 [INFO 24-04-20 12:00:22.7129 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:00:22.7130 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.587343 valid-accuracy:0.872067 [INFO 24-04-20 12:00:22.7171 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [22/50] Score: -0.587343 / -0.576464 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 1 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "STANDARD_DEVIATION" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 6 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.9 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:00:22.7172 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:00:22.7172 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:00:22.7252 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:00:22.9412 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.017781 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.072645 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:00:42.7439 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:93 train-loss:0.486231 train-accuracy:0.897726 valid-loss:0.605622 valid-accuracy:0.861443 [INFO 24-04-20 12:00:49.1122 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.605239 [INFO 24-04-20 12:00:49.1123 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 92 tree(s) i.e. 92 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:00:49.1127 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:92 valid-loss:0.605239 valid-accuracy:0.859672 [INFO 24-04-20 12:00:49.1145 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [23/50] Score: -0.605239 / -0.576464 HParams: [INFOfields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 4 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "STANDARD_DEVIATION" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "CONTINUOUS" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 6 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.8 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } 24-04-20 12:00:49.1146 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:00:49.1146 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:00:49.1203 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:00:49.3295 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.014103 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.069569 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:01:09.2048 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.620195 [INFO 24-04-20 12:01:09.2049 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 65 tree(s) i.e. 65 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:01:09.2054 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:65 valid-loss:0.620195 valid-accuracy:0.861886 [INFO 24-04-20 12:01:09.2069 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [24/50] Score: -0.620195 / -0.576464 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 5 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "STANDARD_DEVIATION" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "CONTINUOUS" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 32 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.6 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:01:09.2074 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:01:09.2075 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:01:09.2129 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:01:09.4876 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.054467 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.111421 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:01:12.8650 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:13 train-loss:0.776072 train-accuracy:0.822335 valid-loss:0.829307 valid-accuracy:0.796370 [INFO 24-04-20 12:01:42.9181 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:117 train-loss:0.490031 train-accuracy:0.891248 valid-loss:0.602710 valid-accuracy:0.858787 [INFO 24-04-20 12:02:10.5251 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.597233 [INFO 24-04-20 12:02:10.5252 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 182 tree(s) i.e. 182 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:02:10.5257 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:182 valid-loss:0.597233 valid-accuracy:0.861000 [INFO 24-04-20 12:02:10.5303 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [25/50] Score: -0.597233 / -0.576464 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 4 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "STANDARD_DEVIATION" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 512 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.9 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:02:10.5305 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:02:10.5305 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:02:10.5382 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:02:10.8168 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.080744 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.138851 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:02:13.0463 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:9 train-loss:0.969269 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.024583 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:02:43.3098 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:117 train-loss:0.577927 train-accuracy:0.875177 valid-loss:0.659990 valid-accuracy:0.850819 [INFO 24-04-20 12:03:13.4366 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:224 train-loss:0.510443 train-accuracy:0.887401 valid-loss:0.632056 valid-accuracy:0.855688 [INFO 24-04-20 12:03:34.6953 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.481158 train-accuracy:0.894657 valid-loss:0.627246 valid-accuracy:0.853918 [INFO 24-04-20 12:03:34.6953 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 294 tree(s) i.e. 294 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:03:34.6954 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:294 valid-loss:0.627238 valid-accuracy:0.854803 [INFO 24-04-20 12:03:34.7026 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [26/50] Score: -0.627238 / -0.576464 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 5 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "STANDARD_DEVIATION" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 64 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.8 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:03:34.7027 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:03:34.7027 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:03:34.7126 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:03:35.0569 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.079504 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.137702 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:03:43.5018 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:26 train-loss:0.801994 train-accuracy:0.810208 valid-loss:0.861103 valid-accuracy:0.786189 [INFO 24-04-20 12:04:13.7312 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:114 train-loss:0.546379 train-accuracy:0.890566 valid-loss:0.643705 valid-accuracy:0.853918 [INFO 24-04-20 12:04:43.7507 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:202 train-loss:0.480620 train-accuracy:0.901670 valid-loss:0.612598 valid-accuracy:0.860115 [INFO 24-04-20 12:05:13.9332 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:289 train-loss:0.441230 train-accuracy:0.912288 valid-loss:0.605467 valid-accuracy:0.859672 [INFO 24-04-20 12:05:17.7591 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.436997 train-accuracy:0.912872 valid-loss:0.604192 valid-accuracy:0.858787 [INFO 24-04-20 12:05:17.7592 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:05:17.7592 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.604192 valid-accuracy:0.858787 [INFO 24-04-20 12:05:17.7704 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [27/50] Score: -0.604192 / -0.576464 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 4 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "MIN_MAX" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 8 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.9 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 10 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:05:17.7705 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:05:17.7705 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:05:17.7845 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:05:18.0993 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.079121 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.136935 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:05:44.0798 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:82 train-loss:0.593026 train-accuracy:0.874154 valid-loss:0.652801 valid-accuracy:0.853032 [INFO 24-04-20 12:06:14.0818 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:174 train-loss:0.507478 train-accuracy:0.888618 valid-loss:0.588100 valid-accuracy:0.864099 [INFO 24-04-20 12:06:44.2572 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:266 train-loss:0.470497 train-accuracy:0.896021 valid-loss:0.575175 valid-accuracy:0.867198 [INFO 24-04-20 12:06:55.6128 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.458649 train-accuracy:0.899089 valid-loss:0.573679 valid-accuracy:0.865870 [INFO 24-04-20 12:06:55.6128 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:06:55.6128 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.573679 valid-accuracy:0.865870 [INFO 24-04-20 12:06:55.6249 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:06:55.6250 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:06:55.6269 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [28/50] Score: -0.573679 / -0.573679 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 4 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "NONE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "CONTINUOUS" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 8 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.9 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:06:55.6312 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:06:55.7339 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.034401 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.090276 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:07:14.2759 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:182 train-loss:0.577740 train-accuracy:0.869478 valid-loss:0.624283 valid-accuracy:0.858787 [INFO 24-04-20 12:07:26.4369 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.559424 train-accuracy:0.873813 valid-loss:0.617982 valid-accuracy:0.862771 [INFO 24-04-20 12:07:26.4369 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 296 tree(s) i.e. 296 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:07:26.4370 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:296 valid-loss:0.617692 valid-accuracy:0.862771 [INFO 24-04-20 12:07:26.4377 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [29/50] Score: -0.617692 / -0.573679 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 4 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "STANDARD_DEVIATION" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 3 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.9 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 20 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:07:26.4378 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:07:26.4378 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:07:26.4430 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:07:26.6506 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.009800 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.063156 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:07:44.3201 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:86 train-loss:0.447820 train-accuracy:0.906784 valid-loss:0.584784 valid-accuracy:0.870739 [INFO 24-04-20 12:08:03.0640 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.582429 [INFO 24-04-20 12:08:03.0641 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 146 tree(s) i.e. 146 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:08:03.0647 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:146 valid-loss:0.582429 valid-accuracy:0.868526 [INFO 24-04-20 12:08:03.0688 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [30/50] Score: -0.582429 / -0.573679 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 1 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "MIN_MAX" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "CONTINUOUS" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 512 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 1 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:08:03.0689 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:08:03.0690 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:08:03.0763 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:08:03.3195 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.050215 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.106337 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:08:14.4202 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:46 train-loss:0.542935 train-accuracy:0.887693 valid-loss:0.615639 valid-accuracy:0.864985 [INFO 24-04-20 12:08:44.5841 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:168 train-loss:0.400861 train-accuracy:0.919739 valid-loss:0.581155 valid-accuracy:0.868969 [INFO 24-04-20 12:08:46.3216 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.579083 [INFO 24-04-20 12:08:46.3217 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 145 tree(s) i.e. 145 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:08:46.3226 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:145 valid-loss:0.579083 valid-accuracy:0.871182 [INFO 24-04-20 12:08:46.3295 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [31/50] Score: -0.579083 / -0.573679 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 2 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "NONE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "CONTINUOUS" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 8 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.8 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:08:46.3298 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:08:46.3299 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:08:46.3387 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:08:46.4970 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.060070 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.117365 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:09:14.6947 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:172 train-loss:0.561195 train-accuracy:0.871816 valid-loss:0.603439 valid-accuracy:0.861886 [INFO 24-04-20 12:09:36.0270 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.534396 train-accuracy:0.878732 valid-loss:0.592159 valid-accuracy:0.864985 [INFO 24-04-20 12:09:36.0270 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:09:36.0270 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.592159 valid-accuracy:0.864985 [INFO 24-04-20 12:09:36.0281 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [32/50] Score: -0.592159 / -0.573679 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 4 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "NONE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "CONTINUOUS" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 4 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 1 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 10 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:09:36.0282 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:09:36.0283 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:09:36.0339 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:09:36.2970 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.082344 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.140383 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:09:44.7215 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:35 train-loss:0.809653 train-accuracy:0.812935 valid-loss:0.859870 valid-accuracy:0.786189 [INFO 24-04-20 12:10:14.7416 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:153 train-loss:0.611812 train-accuracy:0.862027 valid-loss:0.654732 valid-accuracy:0.841965 [INFO 24-04-20 12:10:44.9008 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:264 train-loss:0.571651 train-accuracy:0.870209 valid-loss:0.622257 valid-accuracy:0.853475 [INFO 24-04-20 12:10:55.1758 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.563066 train-accuracy:0.873228 valid-loss:0.617188 valid-accuracy:0.858344 [INFO 24-04-20 12:10:55.1758 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:10:55.1758 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.617188 valid-accuracy:0.858344 [INFO 24-04-20 12:10:55.1785 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [33/50] Score: -0.617188 / -0.573679 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 4 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "MIN_MAX" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 16 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.9 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:10:55.1786 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:10:55.1786 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:10:55.1850 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:10:55.5169 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.056010 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.115039 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:11:14.9320 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:62 train-loss:0.560039 train-accuracy:0.882092 valid-loss:0.659251 valid-accuracy:0.845064 [INFO 24-04-20 12:11:45.0392 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:155 train-loss:0.480452 train-accuracy:0.900794 valid-loss:0.635471 valid-accuracy:0.852590 [INFO 24-04-20 12:12:11.1738 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.633523 [INFO 24-04-20 12:12:11.1738 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 205 tree(s) i.e. 205 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:12:11.1744 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:205 valid-loss:0.633523 valid-accuracy:0.854803 [INFO 24-04-20 12:12:11.1789 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [34/50] Score: -0.633523 / -0.573679 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 5 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "MIN_MAX" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 64 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.9 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 20 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:12:11.1790 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:12:11.1791 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:12:11.1871 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:12:11.4212 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.080643 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.138458 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:12:15.1625 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:17 train-loss:0.893533 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:0.941465 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:12:45.2827 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:145 train-loss:0.581445 train-accuracy:0.869478 valid-loss:0.621648 valid-accuracy:0.859230 [INFO 24-04-20 12:13:15.4609 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:271 train-loss:0.532678 train-accuracy:0.879852 valid-loss:0.591891 valid-accuracy:0.866755 [INFO 24-04-20 12:13:22.3835 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.525324 train-accuracy:0.882677 valid-loss:0.588533 valid-accuracy:0.869854 [INFO 24-04-20 12:13:22.3836 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 299 tree(s) i.e. 299 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:13:22.3836 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:299 valid-loss:0.588517 valid-accuracy:0.870297 [INFO 24-04-20 12:13:22.3877 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [35/50] Score: -0.588517 / -0.573679 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 4 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "NONE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 6 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.9 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:13:22.3878 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:13:22.3878 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:13:22.3953 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:13:22.6347 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.008621 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.061219 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:13:45.6070 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:100 train-loss:0.441264 train-accuracy:0.907174 valid-loss:0.576598 valid-accuracy:0.868083 [INFO 24-04-20 12:13:48.4084 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.571786 [INFO 24-04-20 12:13:48.4084 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 82 tree(s) i.e. 82 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:13:48.4090 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:82 valid-loss:0.571786 valid-accuracy:0.871182 [INFO 24-04-20 12:13:48.4118 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:13:48.4118 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:13:48.4231 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [36/50] Score: -0.571786 / -0.571786 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 2 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "NONE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 64 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.9 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:13:48.4253 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:13:48.7022 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.022495 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.078056 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:14:15.8238 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:96 train-loss:0.531460 train-accuracy:0.886427 valid-loss:0.631790 valid-accuracy:0.851704 [INFO 24-04-20 12:14:44.2647 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.625075 [INFO 24-04-20 12:14:44.2648 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 175 tree(s) i.e. 175 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:14:44.2651 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:175 valid-loss:0.625075 valid-accuracy:0.853918 [INFO 24-04-20 12:14:44.2668 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [37/50] Score: -0.625075 / -0.571786 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 5 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "MIN_MAX" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 16 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 1 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 20 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:14:44.2671 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:14:44.2671 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:14:44.2730 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:14:44.3195 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.080831 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.138862 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:14:45.8472 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:42 train-loss:0.756284 train-accuracy:0.846735 valid-loss:0.797705 valid-accuracy:0.826915 [INFO 24-04-20 12:14:55.2152 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.531490 train-accuracy:0.883651 valid-loss:0.588020 valid-accuracy:0.872067 [INFO 24-04-20 12:14:55.2152 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 299 tree(s) i.e. 299 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:14:55.2153 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:299 valid-loss:0.588008 valid-accuracy:0.872067 [INFO 24-04-20 12:14:55.2192 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [38/50] Score: -0.588008 / -0.571786 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "AXIS_ALIGNED" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 6 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.8 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.9 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:14:55.2196 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:14:55.2196 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:14:55.2271 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:14:55.3151 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.035720 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.091776 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:15:15.9067 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:238 train-loss:0.559601 train-accuracy:0.874300 valid-loss:0.610479 valid-accuracy:0.864542 [INFO 24-04-20 12:15:21.2798 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.549374 train-accuracy:0.876881 valid-loss:0.605893 valid-accuracy:0.866313 [INFO 24-04-20 12:15:21.2798 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 299 tree(s) i.e. 299 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:15:21.2798 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:299 valid-loss:0.605842 valid-accuracy:0.866313 [INFO 24-04-20 12:15:21.2805 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [39/50] Score: -0.605842 / -0.571786 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 4 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "NONE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 3 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.8 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:15:21.2807 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:15:21.2807 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:15:21.2862 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:15:21.5646 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.080070 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.138312 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:15:45.9122 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:88 train-loss:0.606703 train-accuracy:0.871816 valid-loss:0.649034 valid-accuracy:0.857902 [INFO 24-04-20 12:16:16.0088 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:195 train-loss:0.522986 train-accuracy:0.887498 valid-loss:0.588079 valid-accuracy:0.868969 [INFO 24-04-20 12:16:45.8272 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.489488 train-accuracy:0.894755 valid-loss:0.577959 valid-accuracy:0.869854 [INFO 24-04-20 12:16:45.8272 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 298 tree(s) i.e. 298 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:16:45.8273 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:298 valid-loss:0.577896 valid-accuracy:0.869411 [INFO 24-04-20 12:16:45.8336 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [40/50] Score: -0.577896 / -0.571786 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 5 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "NONE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "CONTINUOUS" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 256 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.8 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 20 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:16:45.8338 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:16:45.8338 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:16:45.8442 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:16:45.9250 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.033852 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.089140 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:16:46.0902 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:3 train-loss:0.944534 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:0.994035 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:17:11.1035 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.548920 train-accuracy:0.877125 valid-loss:0.598300 valid-accuracy:0.866755 [INFO 24-04-20 12:17:11.1036 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 275 tree(s) i.e. 275 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:17:11.1036 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:275 valid-loss:0.597798 valid-accuracy:0.867198 [INFO 24-04-20 12:17:11.1043 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [41/50] Score: -0.597798 / -0.571786 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 3 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "NONE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "CONTINUOUS" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 3 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.8 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:17:11.1045 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:17:11.1045 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:17:11.1095 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:17:11.3169 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.055057 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.112117 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:17:16.1276 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:24 train-loss:0.676387 train-accuracy:0.861783 valid-loss:0.737358 valid-accuracy:0.842408 [INFO 24-04-20 12:17:46.2224 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:163 train-loss:0.464683 train-accuracy:0.906200 valid-loss:0.633622 valid-accuracy:0.853032 [INFO 24-04-20 12:17:53.1728 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.633292 [INFO 24-04-20 12:17:53.1728 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 165 tree(s) i.e. 165 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:17:53.1734 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:165 valid-loss:0.633292 valid-accuracy:0.852147 [INFO 24-04-20 12:17:53.1776 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [42/50] Score: -0.633292 / -0.571786 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 5 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "STANDARD_DEVIATION" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 512 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.6 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 10 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.9 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:17:53.1777 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:17:53.1778 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:17:53.1859 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:17:53.3984 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.011378 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.065565 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:18:16.2661 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:106 train-loss:0.450177 train-accuracy:0.907904 valid-loss:0.587472 valid-accuracy:0.866755 [INFO 24-04-20 12:18:18.1861 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.584868 [INFO 24-04-20 12:18:18.1861 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 85 tree(s) i.e. 85 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:18:18.1867 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:85 valid-loss:0.584868 valid-accuracy:0.866313 [INFO 24-04-20 12:18:18.1886 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [43/50] Score: -0.584868 / -0.571786 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 2 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "MIN_MAX" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 32 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.9 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 10 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.2 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:18:18.1888 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:18:18.1889 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:18:18.1950 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:18:18.4742 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.007702 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.061728 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:18:46.4609 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:102 train-loss:0.434600 train-accuracy:0.908878 valid-loss:0.585372 valid-accuracy:0.868526 [INFO 24-04-20 12:18:49.5825 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.581309 [INFO 24-04-20 12:18:49.5825 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 83 tree(s) i.e. 83 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:18:49.5832 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:83 valid-loss:0.581309 valid-accuracy:0.868969 [INFO 24-04-20 12:18:49.5857 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [44/50] Score: -0.581309 / -0.571786 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 4 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "NONE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 64 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.9 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.9 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:18:49.5860 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:18:49.5861 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:18:49.5926 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:18:49.9228 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.054670 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.111134 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:19:16.7366 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:84 train-loss:0.532153 train-accuracy:0.885501 valid-loss:0.591597 valid-accuracy:0.864542 [INFO 24-04-20 12:19:46.8041 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:175 train-loss:0.477048 train-accuracy:0.896946 valid-loss:0.575477 valid-accuracy:0.866313 [INFO 24-04-20 12:19:55.6225 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.575182 [INFO 24-04-20 12:19:55.6226 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 172 tree(s) i.e. 172 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:19:55.6230 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:172 valid-loss:0.575182 valid-accuracy:0.866313 [INFO 24-04-20 12:19:55.6265 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [45/50] Score: -0.575182 / -0.571786 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 5 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "NONE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 32 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 1 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:19:55.6266 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:19:55.6267 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:19:55.6338 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:19:55.7469 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.034381 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.090479 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:20:16.8927 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:190 train-loss:0.571752 train-accuracy:0.870939 valid-loss:0.618687 valid-accuracy:0.860115 [INFO 24-04-20 12:20:29.2130 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.553388 train-accuracy:0.875907 valid-loss:0.612170 valid-accuracy:0.860115 [INFO 24-04-20 12:20:29.2131 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:20:29.2131 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.612170 valid-accuracy:0.860115 [INFO 24-04-20 12:20:29.2138 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [46/50] Score: -0.61217 / -0.571786 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 4 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "MIN_MAX" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "CONTINUOUS" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 3 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 1 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:20:29.2139 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:20:29.2139 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:20:29.2192 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:20:29.3209 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.084782 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.143113 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:20:46.9769 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:169 train-loss:0.665927 train-accuracy:0.853114 valid-loss:0.700177 valid-accuracy:0.835325 [INFO 24-04-20 12:21:00.6692 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.626406 train-accuracy:0.857059 valid-loss:0.658615 valid-accuracy:0.840637 [INFO 24-04-20 12:21:00.6692 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:21:00.6692 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.658615 valid-accuracy:0.840637 [INFO 24-04-20 12:21:00.6700 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [47/50] Score: -0.658615 / -0.571786 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 4 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "NONE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 3 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 1 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.5 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:21:00.6702 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:21:00.6702 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:21:00.6757 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:21:00.8668 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.078871 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.137038 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:21:17.0580 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:84 train-loss:0.588684 train-accuracy:0.882531 valid-loss:0.664665 valid-accuracy:0.853918 [INFO 24-04-20 12:21:47.2018 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:235 train-loss:0.464404 train-accuracy:0.905323 valid-loss:0.602023 valid-accuracy:0.865427 [INFO 24-04-20 12:22:00.2663 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.435161 train-accuracy:0.912677 valid-loss:0.598654 valid-accuracy:0.865870 [INFO 24-04-20 12:22:00.2663 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 300 tree(s) i.e. 300 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:22:00.2663 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:300 valid-loss:0.598654 valid-accuracy:0.865870 [INFO 24-04-20 12:22:00.2780 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [48/50] Score: -0.598654 / -0.571786 HParams: [INFO 24-04-20 12:22:00.2781 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 3 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "MIN_MAX" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "LOCAL" } } fields { name: "max_depth" value { integer: 8 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.6 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.02 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:22:00.2782 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:22:00.2924 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:22:00.5463 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.059373 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.116517 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:22:17.2567 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:65 train-loss:0.594698 train-accuracy:0.865095 valid-loss:0.634110 valid-accuracy:0.852590 [INFO 24-04-20 12:22:47.4207 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:171 train-loss:0.531316 train-accuracy:0.881751 valid-loss:0.593663 valid-accuracy:0.864099 [INFO 24-04-20 12:23:17.5371 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:275 train-loss:0.495416 train-accuracy:0.891053 valid-loss:0.587540 valid-accuracy:0.861000 [INFO 24-04-20 12:23:24.7253 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.487725 train-accuracy:0.892709 valid-loss:0.586623 valid-accuracy:0.862771 [INFO 24-04-20 12:23:24.7253 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 298 tree(s) i.e. 298 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:23:24.7253 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:298 valid-loss:0.586586 valid-accuracy:0.862771 [INFO 24-04-20 12:23:24.7279 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [49/50] Score: -0.586586 / -0.571786 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 3 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "STANDARD_DEVIATION" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "CONTINUOUS" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 16 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 1 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 10 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:23:24.7283 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:23:24.7283 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:23:24.7349 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:23:24.9005 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:1.055494 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.112262 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:23:47.5936 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:145 train-loss:0.544730 train-accuracy:0.878342 valid-loss:0.589646 valid-accuracy:0.866755 [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:13.3175 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:300 train-loss:0.494594 train-accuracy:0.889105 valid-loss:0.578382 valid-accuracy:0.870739 [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:13.3175 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 293 tree(s) i.e. 293 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:13.3176 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:293 valid-loss:0.577675 valid-accuracy:0.871625 [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:13.3200 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:593] [50/50] Score: -0.577675 / -0.571786 HParams: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 1 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "STANDARD_DEVIATION" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "CART" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 16 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.8 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.05 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 5 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "true" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 0.9 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:13.3240 UTC hyperparameters_optimizer.cc:224] Best hyperparameters: fields { name: "split_axis" value { categorical: "SPARSE_OBLIQUE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor" value { real: 2 } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_normalization" value { categorical: "NONE" } } fields { name: "sparse_oblique_weights" value { categorical: "BINARY" } } fields { name: "categorical_algorithm" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "growing_strategy" value { categorical: "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL" } } fields { name: "max_num_nodes" value { integer: 64 } } fields { name: "sampling_method" value { categorical: "RANDOM" } } fields { name: "subsample" value { real: 0.9 } } fields { name: "shrinkage" value { real: 0.1 } } fields { name: "min_examples" value { integer: 7 } } fields { name: "use_hessian_gain" value { categorical: "false" } } fields { name: "num_candidate_attributes_ratio" value { real: 1 } } [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:13.3245 UTC kernel.cc:919] Export model in log directory: /tmpfs/tmp/tmpl269t4qx with prefix 1585dd90b3df4ade [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:13.3315 UTC kernel.cc:937] Save model in resources [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:13.3344 UTC abstract_model.cc:881] Model self evaluation: Task: CLASSIFICATION Label: __LABEL Loss (BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD): 0.571786 Accuracy: 0.871182 CI95[W][0 1] ErrorRate: : 0.128818 Confusion Table: truth\prediction 1 2 1 1569 95 2 196 399 Total: 2259 [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:13.3517 UTC kernel.cc:1233] Loading model from path /tmpfs/tmp/tmpl269t4qx/model/ with prefix 1585dd90b3df4ade [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:13.3755 UTC decision_forest.cc:734] Model loaded with 82 root(s), 7626 node(s), and 14 input feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:13.3755 UTC abstract_model.cc:1344] Engine "GradientBoostedTreesGeneric" built [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:13.3756 UTC kernel.cc:1061] Use fast generic engine Model trained in 0:40:46.518024 Compiling model... Model compiled. CPU times: user 40min 56s, sys: 3.43 s, total: 41min Wall time: 40min 47s <tf_keras.src.callbacks.History at 0x7f39bc270e20>
# Evaluate the model
tuned_test_accuracy = tuned_model.evaluate(test_ds, return_dict=True, verbose=0)["accuracy"]
print(f"Test accuracy with the TF-DF hyper-parameter tuner: {tuned_test_accuracy:.4f}")
Test accuracy with the TF-DF hyper-parameter tuner: 0.8741
# Display the tuning logs.
tuning_logs = tuned_model.make_inspector().tuning_logs()
# Best hyper-parameters.
score -0.571786 evaluation_time 1821.530222 best True split_axis SPARSE_OBLIQUE sparse_oblique_projection_density_factor 2.0 sparse_oblique_normalization NONE sparse_oblique_weights BINARY categorical_algorithm RANDOM growing_strategy BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL max_num_nodes 64.0 sampling_method RANDOM subsample 0.9 shrinkage 0.1 min_examples 7 use_hessian_gain false num_candidate_attributes_ratio 1.0 max_depth NaN Name: 35, dtype: object
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.plot(tuning_logs["score"], label="current trial")
plt.plot(tuning_logs["score"].cummax(), label="best trial")
plt.xlabel("Tuning step")
plt.ylabel("Tuning score")
使用 Keras Tuner 訓練模型(替代方法)
TensorFlow 決策樹森林基於 Keras 架構,並且與 Keras tuner 相容。
目前,TF-DF Tuner 和 Keras Tuner 是互補的。
TF-DF Tuner
- 自動設定目標。
- 自動提取驗證資料集 (如果需要)。
- 支援模型自我評估 (例如袋外評估)。
- 分散式超參數調校。
- 試驗之間共用資料集存取權:Tensorflow 資料集僅讀取一次,大幅加速小型資料集的調校。
Keras Tuner
- 支援調校預處理參數。
- 支援超頻帶最佳化工具。
- 支援自訂目標。
讓我們使用 Keras tuner 調校 TF-DF 模型。
# Install the Keras tuner
!pip install keras-tuner -U -qq
import keras_tuner as kt
def build_model(hp):
"""Creates a model."""
model = tfdf.keras.GradientBoostedTreesModel(
min_examples=hp.Choice("min_examples", [2, 5, 7, 10]),
categorical_algorithm=hp.Choice("categorical_algorithm", ["CART", "RANDOM"]),
max_depth=hp.Choice("max_depth", [4, 5, 6, 7]),
# The keras tuner convert automaticall boolean parameters to integers.
use_hessian_gain=bool(hp.Choice("use_hessian_gain", [True, False])),
shrinkage=hp.Choice("shrinkage", [0.02, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15]),
num_candidate_attributes_ratio=hp.Choice("num_candidate_attributes_ratio", [0.2, 0.5, 0.9, 1.0]),
# Optimize the model accuracy as computed on the validation dataset.
return model
keras_tuner = kt.RandomSearch(
# Important: The tuning should not be done on the test dataset.
# Extract a validation dataset from the training dataset. The new training
# dataset is called the "sub-training-dataset".
def split_dataset(dataset, test_ratio=0.30):
"""Splits a panda dataframe in two."""
test_indices = np.random.rand(len(dataset)) < test_ratio
return dataset[~test_indices], dataset[test_indices]
sub_train_df, sub_valid_df = split_dataset(train_df)
sub_train_ds = tfdf.keras.pd_dataframe_to_tf_dataset(sub_train_df, label="income")
sub_valid_ds = tfdf.keras.pd_dataframe_to_tf_dataset(sub_valid_df, label="income")
# Tune the model
keras_tuner.search(sub_train_ds, validation_data=sub_valid_ds)
Warning: The `num_threads` constructor argument is not set and the number of CPU is os.cpu_count()=32 > 32. Setting num_threads to 32. Set num_threads manually to use more than 32 cpus. WARNING:absl:The `num_threads` constructor argument is not set and the number of CPU is os.cpu_count()=32 > 32. Setting num_threads to 32. Set num_threads manually to use more than 32 cpus. Use /tmpfs/tmp/tmpln_gjjxu as temporary training directory Search: Running Trial #1 Value |Best Value So Far |Hyperparameter 10 |10 |min_examples CART |CART |categorical_algorithm 7 |7 |max_depth 1 |1 |use_hessian_gain 0.15 |0.15 |shrinkage 0.5 |0.5 |num_candidate_attributes_ratio [WARNING 24-04-20 12:24:17.3831 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1840] "goss_alpha" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "GOSS". [WARNING 24-04-20 12:24:17.3831 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1851] "goss_beta" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "GOSS". [WARNING 24-04-20 12:24:17.3831 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1865] "selective_gradient_boosting_ratio" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "SELGB". Warning: The `num_threads` constructor argument is not set and the number of CPU is os.cpu_count()=32 > 32. Setting num_threads to 32. Set num_threads manually to use more than 32 cpus. WARNING:absl:The `num_threads` constructor argument is not set and the number of CPU is os.cpu_count()=32 > 32. Setting num_threads to 32. Set num_threads manually to use more than 32 cpus. Use /tmpfs/tmp/tmpz2tcb0j7 as temporary training directory [WARNING 24-04-20 12:24:17.8409 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1840] "goss_alpha" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "GOSS". [WARNING 24-04-20 12:24:17.8410 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1851] "goss_beta" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "GOSS". [WARNING 24-04-20 12:24:17.8410 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1865] "selective_gradient_boosting_ratio" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "SELGB". --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FatalTypeError Traceback (most recent call last) File <timed exec>:40 File /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/keras_tuner/src/engine/base_tuner.py:234, in BaseTuner.search(self, *fit_args, **fit_kwargs) 231 continue 233 self.on_trial_begin(trial) --> 234 self._try_run_and_update_trial(trial, *fit_args, **fit_kwargs) 235 self.on_trial_end(trial) 236 self.on_search_end() File /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/keras_tuner/src/engine/base_tuner.py:279, in BaseTuner._try_run_and_update_trial(self, trial, *fit_args, **fit_kwargs) 277 except Exception as e: 278 if isinstance(e, errors.FatalError): --> 279 raise e 280 if config_module.DEBUG: 281 # Printing the stacktrace and the error. 282 traceback.print_exc() File /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/keras_tuner/src/engine/base_tuner.py:274, in BaseTuner._try_run_and_update_trial(self, trial, *fit_args, **fit_kwargs) 272 def _try_run_and_update_trial(self, trial, *fit_args, **fit_kwargs): 273 try: --> 274 self._run_and_update_trial(trial, *fit_args, **fit_kwargs) 275 trial.status = trial_module.TrialStatus.COMPLETED 276 return File /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/keras_tuner/src/engine/base_tuner.py:239, in BaseTuner._run_and_update_trial(self, trial, *fit_args, **fit_kwargs) 238 def _run_and_update_trial(self, trial, *fit_args, **fit_kwargs): --> 239 results = self.run_trial(trial, *fit_args, **fit_kwargs) 240 if self.oracle.get_trial(trial.trial_id).metrics.exists( 241 self.oracle.objective.name 242 ): 243 # The oracle is updated by calling `self.oracle.update_trial()` in 244 # `Tuner.run_trial()`. For backward compatibility, we support this 245 # use case. No further action needed in this case. 246 warnings.warn( 247 "The use case of calling " 248 "`self.oracle.update_trial(trial_id, metrics)` " (...) 254 stacklevel=2, 255 ) File /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/keras_tuner/src/engine/tuner.py:314, in Tuner.run_trial(self, trial, *args, **kwargs) 312 callbacks.append(model_checkpoint) 313 copied_kwargs["callbacks"] = callbacks --> 314 obj_value = self._build_and_fit_model(trial, *args, **copied_kwargs) 316 histories.append(obj_value) 317 return histories File /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/keras_tuner/src/engine/tuner.py:232, in Tuner._build_and_fit_model(self, trial, *args, **kwargs) 214 """For AutoKeras to override. 215 216 DO NOT REMOVE this function. AutoKeras overrides the function to tune (...) 229 The fit history. 230 """ 231 hp = trial.hyperparameters --> 232 model = self._try_build(hp) 233 results = self.hypermodel.fit(hp, model, *args, **kwargs) 235 # Save the build config for model loading later. File /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/keras_tuner/src/engine/tuner.py:167, in Tuner._try_build(self, hp) 165 # Stop if `build()` does not return a valid model. 166 if not isinstance(model, keras.models.Model): --> 167 raise errors.FatalTypeError( 168 "Expected the model-building function, or HyperModel.build() " 169 "to return a valid Keras Model instance. " 170 f"Received: {model} of type {type(model)}." 171 ) 172 # Check model size. 173 size = maybe_compute_model_size(model) FatalTypeError: Expected the model-building function, or HyperModel.build() to return a valid Keras Model instance. Received: <tensorflow_decision_forests.keras.GradientBoostedTreesModel object at 0x7f39d84d5490> of type <class 'tensorflow_decision_forests.keras.GradientBoostedTreesModel'>.
最佳超參數可透過 get_best_hyperparameters
# Tune the model
best_hyper_parameters = keras_tuner.get_best_hyperparameters()[0].values
print("Best hyper-parameters:", keras_tuner.get_best_hyperparameters()[0].values)
Best hyper-parameters: {'min_examples': 10, 'categorical_algorithm': 'CART', 'max_depth': 7, 'use_hessian_gain': 1, 'shrinkage': 0.15, 'num_candidate_attributes_ratio': 0.5}
%set_cell_height 300
# Train the model
# The keras tuner convert automaticall boolean parameters to integers.
best_hyper_parameters["use_hessian_gain"] = bool(best_hyper_parameters["use_hessian_gain"])
best_model = tfdf.keras.GradientBoostedTreesModel(**best_hyper_parameters)
best_model.fit(train_ds, verbose=2)
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object> Warning: The `num_threads` constructor argument is not set and the number of CPU is os.cpu_count()=32 > 32. Setting num_threads to 32. Set num_threads manually to use more than 32 cpus. WARNING:absl:The `num_threads` constructor argument is not set and the number of CPU is os.cpu_count()=32 > 32. Setting num_threads to 32. Set num_threads manually to use more than 32 cpus. Use /tmpfs/tmp/tmp_uzoe05p as temporary training directory Reading training dataset... Training tensor examples: Features: {'age': <tf.Tensor 'data:0' shape=(None,) dtype=int64>, 'workclass': <tf.Tensor 'data_1:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>, 'fnlwgt': <tf.Tensor 'data_2:0' shape=(None,) dtype=int64>, 'education': <tf.Tensor 'data_3:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>, 'education_num': <tf.Tensor 'data_4:0' shape=(None,) dtype=int64>, 'marital_status': <tf.Tensor 'data_5:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>, 'occupation': <tf.Tensor 'data_6:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>, 'relationship': <tf.Tensor 'data_7:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>, 'race': <tf.Tensor 'data_8:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>, 'sex': <tf.Tensor 'data_9:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>, 'capital_gain': <tf.Tensor 'data_10:0' shape=(None,) dtype=int64>, 'capital_loss': <tf.Tensor 'data_11:0' shape=(None,) dtype=int64>, 'hours_per_week': <tf.Tensor 'data_12:0' shape=(None,) dtype=int64>, 'native_country': <tf.Tensor 'data_13:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>} Label: Tensor("data_14:0", shape=(None,), dtype=int64) Weights: None Normalized tensor features: {'age': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.NUMERICAL: 1>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'Cast:0' shape=(None,) dtype=float32>), 'workclass': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_1:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>), 'fnlwgt': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.NUMERICAL: 1>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'Cast_1:0' shape=(None,) dtype=float32>), 'education': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_3:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>), 'education_num': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.NUMERICAL: 1>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'Cast_2:0' shape=(None,) dtype=float32>), 'marital_status': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_5:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>), 'occupation': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_6:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>), 'relationship': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_7:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>), 'race': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_8:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>), 'sex': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_9:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>), 'capital_gain': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.NUMERICAL: 1>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'Cast_3:0' shape=(None,) dtype=float32>), 'capital_loss': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.NUMERICAL: 1>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'Cast_4:0' shape=(None,) dtype=float32>), 'hours_per_week': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.NUMERICAL: 1>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'Cast_5:0' shape=(None,) dtype=float32>), 'native_country': SemanticTensor(semantic=<Semantic.CATEGORICAL: 2>, tensor=<tf.Tensor 'data_13:0' shape=(None,) dtype=string>)} [WARNING 24-04-20 12:24:18.3496 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1840] "goss_alpha" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "GOSS". [WARNING 24-04-20 12:24:18.3496 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1851] "goss_beta" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "GOSS". [WARNING 24-04-20 12:24:18.3497 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1865] "selective_gradient_boosting_ratio" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "SELGB". Training dataset read in 0:00:00.394819. Found 22792 examples. Training model... [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:18.7612 UTC kernel.cc:771] Start Yggdrasil model training [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:18.7612 UTC kernel.cc:772] Collect training examples [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:18.7612 UTC kernel.cc:785] Dataspec guide: column_guides { column_name_pattern: "^__LABEL$" type: CATEGORICAL categorial { min_vocab_frequency: 0 max_vocab_count: -1 } } default_column_guide { categorial { max_vocab_count: 2000 } discretized_numerical { maximum_num_bins: 255 } } ignore_columns_without_guides: false detect_numerical_as_discretized_numerical: false [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:18.7613 UTC kernel.cc:391] Number of batches: 23 [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:18.7613 UTC kernel.cc:392] Number of examples: 22792 [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:18.7693 UTC data_spec_inference.cc:305] 1 item(s) have been pruned (i.e. they are considered out of dictionary) for the column native_country (40 item(s) left) because min_value_count=5 and max_number_of_unique_values=2000 [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:18.7694 UTC data_spec_inference.cc:305] 1 item(s) have been pruned (i.e. they are considered out of dictionary) for the column occupation (13 item(s) left) because min_value_count=5 and max_number_of_unique_values=2000 [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:18.7694 UTC data_spec_inference.cc:305] 1 item(s) have been pruned (i.e. they are considered out of dictionary) for the column workclass (7 item(s) left) because min_value_count=5 and max_number_of_unique_values=2000 [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:18.7756 UTC kernel.cc:792] Training dataset: Number of records: 22792 Number of columns: 15 Number of columns by type: CATEGORICAL: 9 (60%) NUMERICAL: 6 (40%) Columns: CATEGORICAL: 9 (60%) 0: "__LABEL" CATEGORICAL integerized vocab-size:3 no-ood-item 4: "education" CATEGORICAL has-dict vocab-size:17 zero-ood-items most-frequent:"HS-grad" 7340 (32.2043%) 8: "marital_status" CATEGORICAL has-dict vocab-size:8 zero-ood-items most-frequent:"Married-civ-spouse" 10431 (45.7661%) 9: "native_country" CATEGORICAL num-nas:407 (1.78571%) has-dict vocab-size:41 num-oods:1 (0.00446728%) most-frequent:"United-States" 20436 (91.2933%) 10: "occupation" CATEGORICAL num-nas:1260 (5.52826%) has-dict vocab-size:14 num-oods:4 (0.018577%) most-frequent:"Prof-specialty" 2870 (13.329%) 11: "race" CATEGORICAL has-dict vocab-size:6 zero-ood-items most-frequent:"White" 19467 (85.4115%) 12: "relationship" CATEGORICAL has-dict vocab-size:7 zero-ood-items most-frequent:"Husband" 9191 (40.3256%) 13: "sex" CATEGORICAL has-dict vocab-size:3 zero-ood-items most-frequent:"Male" 15165 (66.5365%) 14: "workclass" CATEGORICAL num-nas:1257 (5.51509%) has-dict vocab-size:8 num-oods:3 (0.0139308%) most-frequent:"Private" 15879 (73.7358%) NUMERICAL: 6 (40%) 1: "age" NUMERICAL mean:38.6153 min:17 max:90 sd:13.661 2: "capital_gain" NUMERICAL mean:1081.9 min:0 max:99999 sd:7509.48 3: "capital_loss" NUMERICAL mean:87.2806 min:0 max:4356 sd:403.01 5: "education_num" NUMERICAL mean:10.0927 min:1 max:16 sd:2.56427 6: "fnlwgt" NUMERICAL mean:189879 min:12285 max:1.4847e+06 sd:106423 7: "hours_per_week" NUMERICAL mean:40.3955 min:1 max:99 sd:12.249 Terminology: nas: Number of non-available (i.e. missing) values. ood: Out of dictionary. manually-defined: Attribute whose type is manually defined by the user, i.e., the type was not automatically inferred. tokenized: The attribute value is obtained through tokenization. has-dict: The attribute is attached to a string dictionary e.g. a categorical attribute stored as a string. vocab-size: Number of unique values. [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:18.7756 UTC kernel.cc:808] Configure learner [WARNING 24-04-20 12:24:18.7758 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1840] "goss_alpha" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "GOSS". [WARNING 24-04-20 12:24:18.7758 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1851] "goss_beta" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "GOSS". [WARNING 24-04-20 12:24:18.7759 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1865] "selective_gradient_boosting_ratio" set but "sampling_method" not equal to "SELGB". [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:18.7759 UTC kernel.cc:822] Training config: learner: "GRADIENT_BOOSTED_TREES" features: "^age$" features: "^capital_gain$" features: "^capital_loss$" features: "^education$" features: "^education_num$" features: "^fnlwgt$" features: "^hours_per_week$" features: "^marital_status$" features: "^native_country$" features: "^occupation$" features: "^race$" features: "^relationship$" features: "^sex$" features: "^workclass$" label: "^__LABEL$" task: CLASSIFICATION random_seed: 123456 metadata { framework: "TF Keras" } pure_serving_model: false [yggdrasil_decision_forests.model.gradient_boosted_trees.proto.gradient_boosted_trees_config] { num_trees: 300 decision_tree { max_depth: 7 min_examples: 10 in_split_min_examples_check: true keep_non_leaf_label_distribution: true missing_value_policy: GLOBAL_IMPUTATION allow_na_conditions: false categorical_set_greedy_forward { sampling: 0.1 max_num_items: -1 min_item_frequency: 1 } growing_strategy_local { } categorical { cart { } } num_candidate_attributes_ratio: 0.5 axis_aligned_split { } internal { sorting_strategy: PRESORTED } uplift { min_examples_in_treatment: 5 split_score: KULLBACK_LEIBLER } } shrinkage: 0.15 loss: DEFAULT validation_set_ratio: 0.1 validation_interval_in_trees: 1 early_stopping: VALIDATION_LOSS_INCREASE early_stopping_num_trees_look_ahead: 30 l2_regularization: 0 lambda_loss: 1 mart { } adapt_subsample_for_maximum_training_duration: false l1_regularization: 0 use_hessian_gain: true l2_regularization_categorical: 1 stochastic_gradient_boosting { ratio: 1 } apply_link_function: true compute_permutation_variable_importance: false binary_focal_loss_options { misprediction_exponent: 2 positive_sample_coefficient: 0.5 } early_stopping_initial_iteration: 10 } [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:18.7760 UTC kernel.cc:825] Deployment config: cache_path: "/tmpfs/tmp/tmp_uzoe05p/working_cache" num_threads: 32 try_resume_training: true [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:18.7762 UTC kernel.cc:887] Train model [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:18.7763 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:544] Default loss set to BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:18.7763 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1171] Training gradient boosted tree on 22792 example(s) and 14 feature(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:18.7824 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1214] 20533 examples used for training and 2259 examples used for validation [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:18.8028 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1590] num-trees:1 train-loss:0.975468 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:1.026095 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:18.8196 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1592] num-trees:2 train-loss:0.897070 train-accuracy:0.761895 valid-loss:0.945305 valid-accuracy:0.736609 [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:20.2681 UTC early_stopping.cc:53] Early stop of the training because the validation loss does not decrease anymore. Best valid-loss: 0.57263 [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:20.2681 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:1629] Create final snapshot of the model at iteration 104 [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:20.2741 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:270] Truncates the model to 75 tree(s) i.e. 75 iteration(s). [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:20.2744 UTC gradient_boosted_trees.cc:333] Final model num-trees:75 valid-loss:0.572630 valid-accuracy:0.869411 [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:20.2760 UTC kernel.cc:919] Export model in log directory: /tmpfs/tmp/tmp_uzoe05p with prefix b04d9dc7d6754618 [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:20.2801 UTC kernel.cc:937] Save model in resources [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:20.2839 UTC abstract_model.cc:881] Model self evaluation: Task: CLASSIFICATION Label: __LABEL Loss (BINOMIAL_LOG_LIKELIHOOD): 0.57263 Accuracy: 0.869411 CI95[W][0 1] ErrorRate: : 0.130589 Confusion Table: truth\prediction 1 2 1 1577 87 2 208 387 Total: 2259 [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:20.3022 UTC kernel.cc:1233] Loading model from path /tmpfs/tmp/tmp_uzoe05p/model/ with prefix b04d9dc7d6754618 [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:20.3206 UTC quick_scorer_extended.cc:911] The binary was compiled without AVX2 support, but your CPU supports it. Enable it for faster model inference. [INFO 24-04-20 12:24:20.3214 UTC kernel.cc:1061] Use fast generic engine Model trained in 0:00:01.567091 Compiling model... Model compiled. <tf_keras.src.callbacks.History at 0x7f37a8625370>
# Evaluate the model
tuned_test_accuracy = best_model.evaluate(test_ds, return_dict=True, verbose=0)["accuracy"]
print(f"Test accuracy with the Keras Tuner: {tuned_test_accuracy:.4f}")
Test accuracy with the Keras Tuner: 0.8715