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這個筆記本是 TF Hub 上提供的 BigBiGAN 模型的示範。
BigBiGAN 透過新增編碼器模組來擴充標準 (Big)GAN,這個模組可用於無監督式表示法學習。粗略來說,編碼器會反轉生成器,透過真實資料 x
預測潛在變數 z
。如需這些模型的詳細資訊,請參閱 arXiv 上的 BigBiGAN 論文 [1]。
- (選用)更新下方第一個程式碼儲存格中選取的
,為不同的編碼器架構載入 BigBiGAN 生成器。 - 按一下「執行階段」>「全部執行」依序執行每個儲存格。之後,輸出內容 (包括 BigBiGAN 範例和重建的可視化) 應該會自動顯示在下方。
[1] Jeff Donahue 和 Karen Simonyan。《大規模對抗式表示法學習》。arxiv:1907.02544, 2019。
首先,設定模組路徑。預設情況下,我們會從 <a href="https://tfhub.dev/deepmind/bigbigan-resnet50/1">https://tfhub.dev/deepmind/bigbigan-resnet50/1</a>
載入具有較小 ResNet-50 型編碼器的 BigBiGAN 模型。若要載入用於達成最佳表示法學習結果的較大型 RevNet-50-x4 型模型,請註解掉現用的 module_path
module_path = 'https://tfhub.dev/deepmind/bigbigan-resnet50/1' # ResNet-50
# module_path = 'https://tfhub.dev/deepmind/bigbigan-revnet50x4/1' # RevNet-50 x4
import io
import IPython.display
import PIL.Image
from pprint import pformat
import numpy as np
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub
def imgrid(imarray, cols=4, pad=1, padval=255, row_major=True):
"""Lays out a [N, H, W, C] image array as a single image grid."""
pad = int(pad)
if pad < 0:
raise ValueError('pad must be non-negative')
cols = int(cols)
assert cols >= 1
N, H, W, C = imarray.shape
rows = N // cols + int(N % cols != 0)
batch_pad = rows * cols - N
assert batch_pad >= 0
post_pad = [batch_pad, pad, pad, 0]
pad_arg = [[0, p] for p in post_pad]
imarray = np.pad(imarray, pad_arg, 'constant', constant_values=padval)
H += pad
W += pad
grid = (imarray
.reshape(rows, cols, H, W, C)
.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3, 4)
.reshape(rows*H, cols*W, C))
if pad:
grid = grid[:-pad, :-pad]
return grid
def interleave(*args):
"""Interleaves input arrays of the same shape along the batch axis."""
if not args:
raise ValueError('At least one argument is required.')
a0 = args[0]
if any(a.shape != a0.shape for a in args):
raise ValueError('All inputs must have the same shape.')
if not a0.shape:
raise ValueError('Inputs must have at least one axis.')
out = np.transpose(args, [1, 0] + list(range(2, len(a0.shape) + 1)))
out = out.reshape(-1, *a0.shape[1:])
return out
def imshow(a, format='png', jpeg_fallback=True):
"""Displays an image in the given format."""
a = a.astype(np.uint8)
data = io.BytesIO()
PIL.Image.fromarray(a).save(data, format)
im_data = data.getvalue()
disp = IPython.display.display(IPython.display.Image(im_data))
except IOError:
if jpeg_fallback and format != 'jpeg':
print ('Warning: image was too large to display in format "{}"; '
'trying jpeg instead.').format(format)
return imshow(a, format='jpeg')
return disp
def image_to_uint8(x):
"""Converts [-1, 1] float array to [0, 255] uint8."""
x = np.asarray(x)
x = (256. / 2.) * (x + 1.)
x = np.clip(x, 0, 255)
x = x.astype(np.uint8)
return x
載入 BigBiGAN TF Hub 模組並顯示其可用功能
# module = hub.Module(module_path, trainable=True, tags={'train'}) # training
module = hub.Module(module_path) # inference
for signature in module.get_signature_names():
print('Signature:', signature)
print('Inputs:', pformat(module.get_input_info_dict(signature)))
print('Outputs:', pformat(module.get_output_info_dict(signature)))
class BigBiGAN(object):
def __init__(self, module):
"""Initialize a BigBiGAN from the given TF Hub module."""
self._module = module
def generate(self, z, upsample=False):
"""Run a batch of latents z through the generator to generate images.
z: A batch of 120D Gaussian latents, shape [N, 120].
Returns: a batch of generated RGB images, shape [N, 128, 128, 3], range
[-1, 1].
outputs = self._module(z, signature='generate', as_dict=True)
return outputs['upsampled' if upsample else 'default']
def make_generator_ph(self):
"""Creates a tf.placeholder with the dtype & shape of generator inputs."""
info = self._module.get_input_info_dict('generate')['z']
return tf.placeholder(dtype=info.dtype, shape=info.get_shape())
def gen_pairs_for_disc(self, z):
"""Compute generator input pairs (G(z), z) for discriminator, given z.
z: A batch of latents (120D standard Gaussians), shape [N, 120].
Returns: a tuple (G(z), z) of discriminator inputs.
# Downsample 256x256 image x for 128x128 discriminator input.
x = self.generate(z)
return x, z
def encode(self, x, return_all_features=False):
"""Run a batch of images x through the encoder.
x: A batch of data (256x256 RGB images), shape [N, 256, 256, 3], range
[-1, 1].
return_all_features: If True, return all features computed by the encoder.
Otherwise (default) just return a sample z_hat.
Returns: the sample z_hat of shape [N, 120] (or a dict of all features if
outputs = self._module(x, signature='encode', as_dict=True)
return outputs if return_all_features else outputs['z_sample']
def make_encoder_ph(self):
"""Creates a tf.placeholder with the dtype & shape of encoder inputs."""
info = self._module.get_input_info_dict('encode')['x']
return tf.placeholder(dtype=info.dtype, shape=info.get_shape())
def enc_pairs_for_disc(self, x):
"""Compute encoder input pairs (x, E(x)) for discriminator, given x.
x: A batch of data (256x256 RGB images), shape [N, 256, 256, 3], range
[-1, 1].
Returns: a tuple (downsample(x), E(x)) of discriminator inputs.
# Downsample 256x256 image x for 128x128 discriminator input.
x_down = tf.nn.avg_pool(x, ksize=2, strides=2, padding='SAME')
z = self.encode(x)
return x_down, z
def discriminate(self, x, z):
"""Compute the discriminator scores for pairs of data (x, z).
(x, z) must be batches with the same leading batch dimension, and joint
scores are computed on corresponding pairs x[i] and z[i].
x: A batch of data (128x128 RGB images), shape [N, 128, 128, 3], range
[-1, 1].
z: A batch of latents (120D standard Gaussians), shape [N, 120].
A dict of scores:
score_xz: the joint scores for the (x, z) pairs.
score_x: the unary scores for x only.
score_z: the unary scores for z only.
inputs = dict(x=x, z=z)
return self._module(inputs, signature='discriminate', as_dict=True)
def reconstruct_x(self, x, use_sample=True, upsample=False):
"""Compute BigBiGAN reconstructions of images x via G(E(x)).
x: A batch of data (256x256 RGB images), shape [N, 256, 256, 3], range
[-1, 1].
use_sample: takes a sample z_hat ~ E(x). Otherwise, deterministically
use the mean. (Though a sample z_hat may be far from the mean z,
typically the resulting recons G(z_hat) and G(z) are very
upsample: if set, upsample the reconstruction to the input resolution
(256x256). Otherwise return the raw lower resolution generator output
Returns: a batch of recons G(E(x)), shape [N, 256, 256, 3] if
`upsample`, otherwise [N, 128, 128, 3].
if use_sample:
z = self.encode(x)
z = self.encode(x, return_all_features=True)['z_mean']
recons = self.generate(z, upsample=upsample)
return recons
def losses(self, x, z):
"""Compute per-module BigBiGAN losses given data & latent sample batches.
x: A batch of data (256x256 RGB images), shape [N, 256, 256, 3], range
[-1, 1].
z: A batch of latents (120D standard Gaussians), shape [M, 120].
For the original BigBiGAN losses, pass batches of size N=M=2048, with z's
sampled from a 120D standard Gaussian (e.g., np.random.randn(2048, 120)),
and x's sampled from the ImageNet (ILSVRC2012) training set with the
"ResNet-style" preprocessing from:
A dict of per-module losses:
disc: loss for the discriminator.
enc: loss for the encoder.
gen: loss for the generator.
# Compute discriminator scores on (x, E(x)) pairs.
# Downsample 256x256 image x for 128x128 discriminator input.
scores_enc_x_dict = self.discriminate(*self.enc_pairs_for_disc(x))
scores_enc_x = tf.concat([scores_enc_x_dict['score_xz'],
scores_enc_x_dict['score_z']], axis=0)
# Compute discriminator scores on (G(z), z) pairs.
scores_gen_z_dict = self.discriminate(*self.gen_pairs_for_disc(z))
scores_gen_z = tf.concat([scores_gen_z_dict['score_xz'],
scores_gen_z_dict['score_z']], axis=0)
disc_loss_enc_x = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.relu(1. - scores_enc_x))
disc_loss_gen_z = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.relu(1. + scores_gen_z))
disc_loss = disc_loss_enc_x + disc_loss_gen_z
enc_loss = tf.reduce_mean(scores_enc_x)
gen_loss = tf.reduce_mean(-scores_gen_z)
return dict(disc=disc_loss, enc=enc_loss, gen=gen_loss)
bigbigan = BigBiGAN(module)
# Make input placeholders for x (`enc_ph`) and z (`gen_ph`).
enc_ph = bigbigan.make_encoder_ph()
gen_ph = bigbigan.make_generator_ph()
# Compute samples G(z) from encoder input z (`gen_ph`).
gen_samples = bigbigan.generate(gen_ph)
# Compute reconstructions G(E(x)) of encoder input x (`enc_ph`).
recon_x = bigbigan.reconstruct_x(enc_ph, upsample=True)
# Compute encoder features used for representation learning evaluations given
# encoder input x (`enc_ph`).
enc_features = bigbigan.encode(enc_ph, return_all_features=True)
# Compute discriminator scores for encoder pairs (x, E(x)) given x (`enc_ph`)
# and generator pairs (G(z), z) given z (`gen_ph`).
disc_scores_enc = bigbigan.discriminate(*bigbigan.enc_pairs_for_disc(enc_ph))
disc_scores_gen = bigbigan.discriminate(*bigbigan.gen_pairs_for_disc(gen_ph))
# Compute losses.
losses = bigbigan.losses(enc_ph, gen_ph)
建立 TensorFlow 工作階段並初始化變數
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
sess = tf.Session()
首先,我們將透過從標準高斯分佈 (透過 np.random.randn
) 取樣生成器輸入 z
,並顯示其產生的圖片,來視覺化預先訓練的 BigBiGAN 生成器的樣本。到目前為止,我們尚未超出標準 GAN 的功能範圍,我們現在只使用生成器 (並忽略編碼器)。
feed_dict = {gen_ph: np.random.randn(32, 120)}
_out_samples = sess.run(gen_samples, feed_dict=feed_dict)
print('samples shape:', _out_samples.shape)
imshow(imgrid(image_to_uint8(_out_samples), cols=4))
從 TF-Flowers 資料集載入 test_images
BigBiGAN 是在 ImageNet 上訓練的,但由於 ImageNet 太大,無法在此示範中使用,因此我們使用較小的 TF-Flowers [1] 資料集作為輸入,以視覺化重建並計算編碼器特徵。
在這個儲存格中,我們載入 TF-Flowers (如果需要,會下載資料集),並將固定批次的 256x256 RGB 圖片樣本儲存在 NumPy 陣列 test_images
[1] https://tensorflow.dev.org.tw/datasets/catalog/tf_flowers
def get_flowers_data():
"""Returns a [32, 256, 256, 3] np.array of preprocessed TF-Flowers samples."""
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
ds, info = tfds.load('tf_flowers', split='train', with_info=True)
# Just get the images themselves as we don't need labels for this demo.
ds = ds.map(lambda x: x['image'])
# Filter out small images (with minor edge length <256).
ds = ds.filter(lambda x: tf.reduce_min(tf.shape(x)[:2]) >= 256)
# Take the center square crop of the image and resize to 256x256.
def crop_and_resize(image):
imsize = tf.shape(image)[:2]
minor_edge = tf.reduce_min(imsize)
start = (imsize - minor_edge) // 2
stop = start + minor_edge
cropped_image = image[start[0] : stop[0], start[1] : stop[1]]
resized_image = tf.image.resize_bicubic([cropped_image], [256, 256])[0]
return resized_image
ds = ds.map(crop_and_resize)
# Convert images from [0, 255] uint8 to [-1, 1] float32.
ds = ds.map(lambda image: tf.cast(image, tf.float32) / (255. / 2.) - 1)
# Take the first 32 samples.
ds = ds.take(32)
return np.array(list(tfds.as_numpy(ds)))
test_images = get_flowers_data()
現在,我們透過將真實圖片傳遞到編碼器,然後傳回生成器,並在給定圖片 x
的情況下計算 G(E(x))
,來視覺化 BigBiGAN 重建。下方左欄顯示輸入圖片 x
請注意,重建並非與輸入圖片完美像素比對;相反地,它們傾向於擷取輸入的較高層級語意內容,同時「忘記」大部分的低層級細節。這表示 BigBiGAN 編碼器可能會學習擷取我們希望在表示法學習方法中看到的圖片相關高層級語意資訊類型。
另請注意,256x256 輸入圖片的原始重建解析度較低,為生成器產生的解析度 (128x128)。我們將其升採樣以用於視覺化。
test_images_batch = test_images[:16]
_out_recons = sess.run(recon_x, feed_dict={enc_ph: test_images_batch})
print('reconstructions shape:', _out_recons.shape)
inputs_and_recons = interleave(test_images_batch, _out_recons)
print('inputs_and_recons shape:', inputs_and_recons.shape)
imshow(imgrid(image_to_uint8(inputs_and_recons), cols=2))
這些特徵可用於線性或最近鄰分類器。我們包含在全域平均池化後擷取的標準特徵 (金鑰 avepool_feat
) 以及用於達成最佳結果的較大型「BN+CReLU」特徵 (金鑰 bn_crelu_feat
_out_features = sess.run(enc_features, feed_dict={enc_ph: test_images_batch})
print('AvePool features shape:', _out_features['avepool_feat'].shape)
print('BN+CReLU features shape:', _out_features['bn_crelu_feat'].shape)
最後,我們將計算批次編碼器和生成器配對的鑑別器分數和損失。這些損失可以傳遞至最佳化工具,以訓練 BigBiGAN。
我們將上述批次的圖片用作編碼器輸入 x
,將編碼器分數計算為 D(x, E(x))
。對於生成器輸入,我們透過 np.random.randn
從 120D 標準高斯分佈取樣 z
,將生成器分數計算為 D(G(z), z)
鑑別器會針對 (x, z)
配對預測聯合分數 score_xz
,以及針對 x
和 z
分別預測單項分數 score_x
和 score_z
。它經過訓練,會為編碼器配對提供高 (正) 分數,並為生成器配對提供低 (負) 分數。這在下方大致成立,雖然單項分數 score_z
在這兩種情況下都是負數,表示編碼器輸出 E(x)
feed_dict = {enc_ph: test_images, gen_ph: np.random.randn(32, 120)}
_out_scores_enc, _out_scores_gen, _out_losses = sess.run(
[disc_scores_enc, disc_scores_gen, losses], feed_dict=feed_dict)
print('Encoder scores:', {k: v.mean() for k, v in _out_scores_enc.items()})
print('Generator scores:', {k: v.mean() for k, v in _out_scores_gen.items()})
print('Losses:', _out_losses)