版權所有 2023 TF-Agents 作者。
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pip install tf-agents[reverb]
pip install tf-keras
import os
# Keep using keras-2 (tf-keras) rather than keras-3 (keras).
os.environ['TF_USE_LEGACY_KERAS'] = '1'
2023-12-22 12:12:26.469831: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_dnn.cc:9261] Unable to register cuDNN factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuDNN when one has already been registered 2023-12-22 12:12:26.469877: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_fft.cc:607] Unable to register cuFFT factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuFFT when one has already been registered 2023-12-22 12:12:26.471318: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_blas.cc:1515] Unable to register cuBLAS factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuBLAS when one has already been registered
在本教學課程中,我們會引導您瞭解實作為 TF-Agents Bandits 程式庫一部分的排名演算法。在排名問題中,代理程式在每次迭代時都會收到一組項目,並負責將部分或所有項目排名到清單中。然後,此排名決策會收到某種形式的回饋 (例如,使用者是否點擊一或多個選取的項目)。代理程式的目標是最佳化某些指標/獎勵,目標是隨著時間的推移做出更好的決策。
TF-Agents 中的排名演算法屬於一種特殊類型的 Bandit 代理程式,其運作於「per-arm」bandit 問題。因此,為了能夠從本教學課程中獲得最大益處,讀者應熟悉 bandit 和 per-arm bandit 教學課程。
與回饋訊號 (獎勵) 直接與單一選取項目相關聯的 bandit 問題相反,在排名中,我們需要考慮回饋如何轉化為顯示項目的「優劣」。換句話說,我們需要為所有或部分顯示項目指派分數。在我們的程式庫中,我們提供兩種不同的回饋類型:向量回饋和階梯式回饋。
這種回饋類型非常直接,因為我們不需要擔心將回饋訊號轉換為分數。另一方面,項目評分的責任落在設計者 (又名您) 身上:系統設計者有責任決定根據項目、其位置以及使用者是否與其互動來給予什麼分數。
在階梯式回饋類型中 (由 Craswell 等人,2008 年創造的術語),我們假設使用者以循序方式查看顯示的項目,從頂部插槽開始。一旦使用者找到值得點擊的項目,他們就會點擊,並且永遠不會返回目前的排名清單。他們甚至不會查看點擊項目下方的項目。不點擊任何項目也是一種可能性,當顯示的項目中沒有一個值得點擊時,就會發生這種情況。在這種情況下,使用者確實會查看所有項目。
回饋訊號由兩個元素組成:選取元素的索引和點擊的值。然後,代理程式的任務是將此資訊轉換為分數。在我們在 bandit 程式庫中的實作中,我們實作了慣例,即已查看但未點擊的項目會收到一些低分數 (通常為 0 或 -1),點擊的項目會收到點擊值,而超出點擊項目的項目則會被代理程式忽略。
與其他資訊有限的學習問題 (如 bandit) 一樣,重要的是要記住,我們的決策不僅會影響即時獎勵,還會影響訓練資料和未來獎勵。如果我們始終僅根據項目目前的估計分數來顯示項目,我們可能會錯過我們尚未充分探索的高分項目,因此我們不知道它們有多好。也就是說,我們需要將探索納入我們的決策制定流程。
feedback_model = ranking_environment.FeedbackModel.CASCADING
- 在基於距離的方法中,如果使用者特徵與任何項目特徵不夠接近,則使用者不會點擊。
- 在虛擬動作模型中,我們以單位向量項目特徵的形式設定額外的虛擬動作。如果使用者選擇其中一個虛擬動作,則會導致不點擊。
我們幾乎準備好定義排名環境,只需做一些準備工作:我們定義全域 (使用者) 和項目特徵的取樣函數。這些特徵將由環境用於模擬使用者行為:計算全域和項目特徵的加權內積,並且使用者點擊的機率與內積值成正比。內積的權重由下方 scores_weight_matrix
global_dim = 9
item_dim = 11
num_items = 50
num_slots = 3
distance_threshold = 5.0
batch_size = 128
def global_sampling_fn():
return np.random.randint(-1, 1, [global_dim]).astype(np.float32)
def item_sampling_fn():
return np.random.randint(-2, 3, [item_dim]).astype(np.float32)
# Inner product with excess dimensions ignored.
scores_weight_matrix = np.eye(11, 9, dtype=np.float32)
env = ranking_environment.RankingPyEnvironment(
# Convert the python environment to tf environment.
environment = tf_py_environment.TFPyEnvironment(env)
在決策時呈現給政策的 arm 特徵包含政策可以從中選擇的所有項目。但是,在訓練時,我們需要選取項目的特徵,並且為了方便起見,需要按照決策輸出的順序排列。為此,使用以下函數 (從 此處複製以求清晰)。
def order_items_from_action_fn(orig_trajectory):
"""Puts the features of the selected items in the recommendation order.
This function is used to make sure that at training the item observation is
filled with features of items selected by the policy, in the order of the
selection. Features of unselected items are discarded.
orig_trajectory: The trajectory as output by the policy
The modified trajectory that contains slotted item features.
item_obs = orig_trajectory.observation[
action = orig_trajectory.action
if isinstance(
dtype = orig_trajectory.observation[
shape = [
num_slots, orig_trajectory.observation[
new_observation = {
tensor_spec.TensorSpec(dtype=dtype, shape=shape)
slotted_items = tf.gather(item_obs, action, batch_dims=1)
new_observation = {
return trajectory.Trajectory(
與 bandit 教學課程一樣,我們定義重播緩衝區,該緩衝區將向代理程式提供範例以進行訓練。然後,我們使用驅動程式將所有內容放在一起:環境提供特徵,政策選擇排名,並收集範例以進行訓練。
replay_buffer = bandit_replay_buffer.BanditReplayBuffer(
if feedback_model == ranking_environment.FeedbackModel.SCORE_VECTOR:
reward_metric = tf_metrics.AverageReturnMetric(
reward_metric = tf_metrics.AverageReturnMultiMetric(
add_batch_fn = lambda data: replay_buffer.add_batch(
observers = [add_batch_fn, reward_metric]
driver = dynamic_step_driver.DynamicStepDriver(
num_steps=steps_per_loop * batch_size,
reward_values = []
for _ in range(num_iterations):
loss_info = agent.train(replay_buffer.gather_all())
if feedback_model == ranking_environment.FeedbackModel.SCORE_VECTOR:
WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/tmp/ipykernel_9144/2279345075.py:31: ReplayBuffer.gather_all (from tf_agents.replay_buffers.replay_buffer) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use `as_dataset(..., single_deterministic_pass=True)` instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/tmp/ipykernel_9144/2279345075.py:31: ReplayBuffer.gather_all (from tf_agents.replay_buffers.replay_buffer) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use `as_dataset(..., single_deterministic_pass=True)` instead. WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ``` WARNING:root: Distribution subclass PenalizedPlackettLuce inherits `_parameter_properties from its parent (PlackettLuce) while also redefining `__init__`. The inherited annotations cover the following parameters: dict_keys(['scores']). It is likely that these do not match the subclass parameters. This may lead to errors when computing batch shapes, slicing into batch dimensions, calling `.copy()`, flattening the distribution as a CompositeTensor (e.g., when it is passed or returned from a `tf.function`), and possibly other cases. The recommended pattern for distribution subclasses is to define a new `_parameter_properties` method with the subclass parameters, and to store the corresponding parameter values as `self._parameters` in `__init__`, after calling the superclass constructor: ``` class MySubclass(tfd.SomeDistribution): def __init__(self, param_a, param_b): parameters = dict(locals()) # ... do subclass initialization ... super(MySubclass, self).__init__(**base_class_params) # Ensure that the subclass (not base class) parameters are stored. self._parameters = parameters def _parameter_properties(self, dtype, num_classes=None): return dict( # Annotations may optionally specify properties, such as `event_ndims`, # `default_constraining_bijector_fn`, `specifies_shape`, etc.; see # the `ParameterProperties` documentation for details. param_a=tfp.util.ParameterProperties(), param_b=tfp.util.ParameterProperties()) ```
if feedback_model == ranking_environment.FeedbackModel.SCORE_VECTOR:
reward = reward_values
reward = [r["chosen_value"] for r in reward_values]
plt.ylabel('Average Return')
plt.xlabel('Number of Iterations')
Text(0.5, 0, 'Number of Iterations')
在 tf_agents/bandits/agents/examples/v2/train_eval_ranking.py