建立您自己的 Task API

TensorFlow Lite Task Library 在抽象化 TensorFlow 的相同基礎架構之上,提供預先建構的原生/Android/iOS API。如果現有的 Task Library 不支援您的模型,您可以擴充 Task API 基礎架構以建立自訂 API。


Task API 基礎架構具有雙層結構:底層 C++ 層封裝原生 TFLite 執行階段,頂層 Java/ObjC 層透過 JNI 或原生包裝函式與 C++ 層通訊。

僅在 C++ 中實作所有 TensorFlow 邏輯,可將成本降至最低、最大化推論效能,並簡化跨平台的整體工作流程。

若要建立 Task 類別,請擴充 BaseTaskApi,以提供 TFLite 模型介面和 Task API 介面之間的轉換邏輯,然後使用 Java/ObjC 公用程式建立對應的 API。隱藏所有 TensorFlow 詳細資訊後,您就可以在應用程式中部署 TFLite 模型,而無需任何機器學習知識。

TensorFlow Lite 為最常見的視覺和 NLP 工作提供了一些預先建構的 API。您可以使用 Task API 基礎架構,為其他工作建立自己的 API。

圖 1. 預先建構的 Task API

使用 Task API 基礎架構建立您自己的 API


所有 TFLite 詳細資訊都在原生 API 中實作。使用其中一個工廠函式建立 API 物件,並透過呼叫介面中定義的函式取得模型結果。


以下範例使用 C++ BertQuestionAnswerer 搭配 MobileBert

  char kBertModelPath[] = "path/to/model.tflite";
  // Create the API from a model file
  std::unique_ptr<BertQuestionAnswerer> question_answerer =

  char kContext[] = ...; // context of a question to be answered
  char kQuestion[] = ...; // question to be answered
  // ask a question
  std::vector<QaAnswer> answers = question_answerer.Answer(kContext, kQuestion);
  // answers[0].text is the best answer

建構 API

圖 2. 原生 Task API

若要建構 API 物件,您必須透過擴充 BaseTaskApi 提供以下資訊

  • 判斷 API I/O - 您的 API 在不同平台上應公開類似的輸入/輸出。例如,BertQuestionAnswerer 接受兩個字串 (std::string& context, std::string& question) 作為輸入,並輸出可能的答案向量和機率,格式為 std::vector<QaAnswer>。這是透過在 BaseTaskApi範本參數中指定對應的類型來完成。指定範本參數後,BaseTaskApi::Infer 函式將具有正確的輸入/輸出類型。API 用戶端可以直接呼叫此函式,但最好將其包裝在模型專用函式內,在本例中為 BertQuestionAnswerer::Answer

    class BertQuestionAnswerer : public BaseTaskApi<
                                  std::vector<QaAnswer>, // OutputType
                                  const std::string&, const std::string& // InputTypes
                                  > {
      // Model specific function delegating calls to BaseTaskApi::Infer
      std::vector<QaAnswer> Answer(const std::string& context, const std::string& question) {
        return Infer(context, question).value();
  • 提供 API I/O 與模型的輸入/輸出張量之間的轉換邏輯 - 指定輸入和輸出類型後,子類別也需要實作類型化的函式 BaseTaskApi::PreprocessBaseTaskApi::Postprocess。這兩個函式提供 TFLite FlatBuffer輸入輸出。子類別負責將值從 API I/O 指派給 I/O 張量。請參閱 BertQuestionAnswerer 中的完整實作範例。

    class BertQuestionAnswerer : public BaseTaskApi<
                                  std::vector<QaAnswer>, // OutputType
                                  const std::string&, const std::string& // InputTypes
                                  > {
      // Convert API input into tensors
      absl::Status BertQuestionAnswerer::Preprocess(
        const std::vector<TfLiteTensor*>& input_tensors, // input tensors of the model
        const std::string& context, const std::string& query // InputType of the API
      ) {
        // Perform tokenization on input strings
        // Populate IDs, Masks and SegmentIDs to corresponding input tensors
        PopulateTensor(input_ids, input_tensors[0]);
        PopulateTensor(input_mask, input_tensors[1]);
        PopulateTensor(segment_ids, input_tensors[2]);
        return absl::OkStatus();
      // Convert output tensors into API output
      StatusOr<std::vector<QaAnswer>> // OutputType
        const std::vector<const TfLiteTensor*>& output_tensors, // output tensors of the model
      ) {
        // Get start/end logits of prediction result from output tensors
        std::vector<float> end_logits;
        std::vector<float> start_logits;
        // output_tensors[0]: end_logits FLOAT[1, 384]
        PopulateVector(output_tensors[0], &end_logits);
        // output_tensors[1]: start_logits FLOAT[1, 384]
        PopulateVector(output_tensors[1], &start_logits);
        std::vector<QaAnswer::Pos> orig_results;
        // Look up the indices from vocabulary file and build results
        return orig_results;
  • 建立 API 的工廠函式 - 初始化 tflite::Interpreter 需要模型檔案和 OpResolverTaskAPIFactory 提供公用程式函式來建立 BaseTaskApi 執行個體。

    您也必須提供與模型相關聯的任何檔案。例如,BertQuestionAnswerer 也可能有額外檔案用於其 tokenizer 的詞彙表。

    class BertQuestionAnswerer : public BaseTaskApi<
                                  std::vector<QaAnswer>, // OutputType
                                  const std::string&, const std::string& // InputTypes
                                  > {
      // Factory function to create the API instance
          const std::string& path_to_model, // model to passed to TaskApiFactory
          const std::string& path_to_vocab  // additional model specific files
      ) {
        // Creates an API object by calling one of the utils from TaskAPIFactory
        std::unique_ptr<BertQuestionAnswerer> api_to_init;
        // Perform additional model specific initializations
        // In this case building a vocabulary vector from the vocab file.
        return api_to_init;

Android API

透過定義 Java/Kotlin 介面並將邏輯委派給 C++ 層 (透過 JNI),即可建立 Android API。Android API 需要先建構原生 API。


以下範例使用 Java BertQuestionAnswerer 搭配 MobileBert

  String BERT_MODEL_FILE = "path/to/model.tflite";
  String VOCAB_FILE = "path/to/vocab.txt";
  // Create the API from a model file and vocabulary file
    BertQuestionAnswerer bertQuestionAnswerer =
            ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext(), BERT_MODEL_FILE, VOCAB_FILE);

  String CONTEXT = ...; // context of a question to be answered
  String QUESTION = ...; // question to be answered
  // ask a question
  List<QaAnswer> answers = bertQuestionAnswerer.answer(CONTEXT, QUESTION);
  // answers.get(0).text is the best answer

建構 API

圖 3. Android Task API

與原生 API 類似,若要建構 API 物件,用戶端需要透過擴充 BaseTaskApi 來提供以下資訊,此 API 為所有 Java Task API 提供 JNI 處理。

  • 判斷 API I/O - 這通常會反映原生介面。例如,BertQuestionAnswerer 接受 (String context, String question) 作為輸入,並輸出 List<QaAnswer>。實作會呼叫具有類似簽名的私有原生函式,但它有一個額外參數 long nativeHandle,這是從 C++ 傳回的指標。

    class BertQuestionAnswerer extends BaseTaskApi {
      public List<QaAnswer> answer(String context, String question) {
        return answerNative(getNativeHandle(), context, question);
      private static native List<QaAnswer> answerNative(
                                            long nativeHandle, // C++ pointer
                                            String context, String question // API I/O
  • 建立 API 的工廠函式 - 這也會反映原生工廠函式,但 Android 工廠函式也需要取得 Context 以進行檔案存取。實作會呼叫 TaskJniUtils 中的其中一個公用程式來建構對應的 C++ API 物件,並將其指標傳遞給 BaseTaskApi 建構函式。

      class BertQuestionAnswerer extends BaseTaskApi {
        private static final String BERT_QUESTION_ANSWERER_NATIVE_LIBNAME =
        // Extending super constructor by providing the
        // native handle(pointer of corresponding C++ API object)
        private BertQuestionAnswerer(long nativeHandle) {
        public static BertQuestionAnswerer createBertQuestionAnswerer(
                                            Context context, // Accessing Android files
                                            String pathToModel, String pathToVocab) {
          return new BertQuestionAnswerer(
              // The util first try loads the JNI module with name
              // BERT_QUESTION_ANSWERER_NATIVE_LIBNAME, then opens two files,
              // converts them into ByteBuffer, finally ::initJniWithBertByteBuffers
              // is called with the buffer for a C++ API object pointer
        // modelBuffers[0] is tflite model file buffer, and modelBuffers[1] is vocab file buffer.
        // returns C++ API object pointer casted to long
        private static native long initJniWithBertByteBuffers(ByteBuffer... modelBuffers);
  • 為原生函式實作 JNI 模組 - 所有 Java 原生方法都是透過從 JNI 模組呼叫對應的原生函式來實作。工廠函式會建立原生 API 物件,並傳回其指標 (作為 long 類型) 給 Java。在後續呼叫 Java API 時,long 類型指標會傳遞回 JNI 並轉換回原生 API 物件。然後,原生 API 結果會轉換回 Java 結果。

    例如,以下說明 bert_question_answerer_jni 的實作方式。

      // Implements BertQuestionAnswerer::initJniWithBertByteBuffers
      extern "C" JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL
          JNIEnv* env, jclass thiz, jobjectArray model_buffers) {
        // Convert Java ByteBuffer object into a buffer that can be read by native factory functions
        absl::string_view model =
            GetMappedFileBuffer(env, env->GetObjectArrayElement(model_buffers, 0));
        // Creates the native API object
        absl::StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<QuestionAnswerer>> status =
                model.data(), model.size());
        if (status.ok()) {
          // converts the object pointer to jlong and return to Java.
          return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(status->release());
        } else {
          return kInvalidPointer;
      // Implements BertQuestionAnswerer::answerNative
      extern "C" JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL
      JNIEnv* env, jclass thiz, jlong native_handle, jstring context, jstring question) {
      // Convert long to native API object pointer
      QuestionAnswerer* question_answerer = reinterpret_cast<QuestionAnswerer*>(native_handle);
      // Calls the native API
      std::vector<QaAnswer> results = question_answerer->Answer(JStringToString(env, context),
                                             JStringToString(env, question));
      // Converts native result(std::vector<QaAnswer>) to Java result(List<QaAnswerer>)
      jclass qa_answer_class =
      jmethodID qa_answer_ctor =
        env->GetMethodID(qa_answer_class, "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;IIF)V");
      return ConvertVectorToArrayList<QaAnswer>(
        env, results,
        [env, qa_answer_class, qa_answer_ctor](const QaAnswer& ans) {
          jstring text = env->NewStringUTF(ans.text.data());
          jobject qa_answer =
              env->NewObject(qa_answer_class, qa_answer_ctor, text, ans.pos.start,
                             ans.pos.end, ans.pos.logit);
          return qa_answer;
      // Implements BaseTaskApi::deinitJni by delete the native object
      extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_task_core_BaseTaskApi_deinitJni(
          JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz, jlong native_handle) {
        delete reinterpret_cast<QuestionAnswerer*>(native_handle);


透過將原生 API 物件包裝到 ObjC API 物件中,即可建立 iOS API。建立的 API 物件可用於 ObjC 或 Swift。iOS API 需要先建構原生 API。


以下範例使用 ObjC TFLBertQuestionAnswerer 搭配 Swift 中的 MobileBert

  static let mobileBertModelPath = "path/to/model.tflite";
  // Create the API from a model file and vocabulary file
  let mobileBertAnswerer = TFLBertQuestionAnswerer.mobilebertQuestionAnswerer(
      modelPath: mobileBertModelPath)

  static let context = ...; // context of a question to be answered
  static let question = ...; // question to be answered
  // ask a question
  let answers = mobileBertAnswerer.answer(
      context: TFLBertQuestionAnswererTest.context, question: TFLBertQuestionAnswererTest.question)
  // answers.[0].text is the best answer

建構 API

圖 4. iOS Task API

iOS API 是原生 API 之上的簡單 ObjC 包裝函式。按照以下步驟建構 API

  • 定義 ObjC 包裝函式 - 定義 ObjC 類別,並將實作委派給對應的原生 API 物件。請注意,由於 Swift 無法與 C++ 互通,因此原生依附元件只能出現在 .mm 檔案中。

    • .h 檔案
      @interface TFLBertQuestionAnswerer : NSObject
      // Delegate calls to the native BertQuestionAnswerer::CreateBertQuestionAnswerer
      + (instancetype)mobilebertQuestionAnswererWithModelPath:(NSString*)modelPath
      // Delegate calls to the native BertQuestionAnswerer::Answer
      - (NSArray<TFLQAAnswer*>*)answerWithContext:(NSString*)context
    • .mm 檔案
      using BertQuestionAnswererCPP = ::tflite::task::text::BertQuestionAnswerer;
      @implementation TFLBertQuestionAnswerer {
        // define an iVar for the native API object
        std::unique_ptr<QuestionAnswererCPP> _bertQuestionAnswerwer;
      // Initialize the native API object
      + (instancetype)mobilebertQuestionAnswererWithModelPath:(NSString *)modelPath
                                              vocabPath:(NSString *)vocabPath {
        absl::StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<QuestionAnswererCPP>> cQuestionAnswerer =
        _GTMDevAssert(cQuestionAnswerer.ok(), @"Failed to create BertQuestionAnswerer");
        return [[TFLBertQuestionAnswerer alloc]
      // Calls the native API and converts C++ results into ObjC results
      - (NSArray<TFLQAAnswer *> *)answerWithContext:(NSString *)context question:(NSString *)question {
        std::vector<QaAnswerCPP> results =
          _bertQuestionAnswerwer->Answer(MakeString(context), MakeString(question));
        return [self arrayFromVector:results];